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I only lurk normally, but man, doing a task of camel warriors made me so sad that I had to complain. They aren't hard. They are just clunky and offer no significant reward. Here's what I think should be changed in order of priority:

1) It shoud be more obvious when a camel mirage dies. This is the biggest problem in ny opinion: when they die, their hp bar stays at the level that they had before the last instance of damage killed them, and they have a lenghty unclear animation in which they are still clickable. This makes it extremely clunky to switch targets and is an extra hassle for no benefit. This problem is accentuated by the fact that you are punished harshly if you think you did kill the mirage, as the blood one will end up healing it/the shadow one will drain half of your prayer points.

2) Camel mirages should be easier to distinguish visually. Just make the blood one red or something, as the shadow one already has a bar below his hp to distinguish him from the others.

3) Remove/rework some items from their drop table. They drop 16 different items, 12 after considering spring cleaner/high alch. Other elite mobs either drop less items/have items that actually are worth something. This extra encumbrance makes it really hard to camp them for a while as you need more prayer pots for them than other mobs and the drops take unnecessary space.

4) Make it more rewarding. This task is extremely bad gp/h for good-ish xp/h. Even using a pretty tryhard method, killing 41 camel warriors in 21 minutes, which brings us to 117 k/h, this task is 2.5m gp/h and 558k slayer/h. This is using zerk aura, weapon poison, full manual, optimal perks, scythe, fully upgraded slayer helm, blood nihil, and using movement abilities to switch targets as fast as possible. I am by no means perfect (I think I can get it to 130kph), but it is still pretty good compared to what I saw online. Knowing that many (most?) players wont go to this extent, it feels like you can actually lose money on supplies/eq repair. Other elite mobs are superior in every regard without being so clunky to kill, and even require less effort.

Why do I care, and why should you care? Elite mobs are a pretty important milestone for anyone who enjoys slayer, as they are (and should be) levels ahead in front of other mobs in term of difficulty and rewards. Camel warriors hold so much potential, as they are quite fun to optimize and fight when you overlook their flaws. The fights are really quick and quite tense, and the mirage system makes it unpredictable and keeps it fresh. I have fond memories of my first mammoth/wyvern/ripper demon tasks. The difficulty, the art, the rewards, the locations. Feeling the game resisting to you, the player, and eventually getting better. Camel warriors could be all this with a few tweaks.

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over 5 years ago - /u/JagexOrion - Direct link

Thanks for the feedback :)