So I just realized there's a bunch of stalls (wine, seed, vegetable, etc.) that were added to the Lumbridge Academy. Is there any reason for this? There's also a master farmer there too.
External link →So I just realized there's a bunch of stalls (wine, seed, vegetable, etc.) that were added to the Lumbridge Academy. Is there any reason for this? There's also a master farmer there too.
External link →It's due to the simplification of daily challenges. Previously, there was a specific challenge for thieving from stalls which could have a separate requirement from the pickpocketing challenge. So if you didn't meet the req for one challenge, you could still roll the other.
Now there's a generic Thieving challenge with no requirements, so we ensured thieving from stalls is possible even if you're level 1 F2P.
Technically these are the market stalls from Taverley, which we removed in the area decluttering in September.
Lumbridge made more sense as a place to support the Thieving skill (due to the nearby Thieves' Guild, pickpocketing NPCs, etc) and the assets were a better fit for the area than a druidic village.
Unrelated to the post but really nice update! I no longer have to feel stressed logging in on my iron and seeing “Fletch 336 yew shieldbows”, knowing the daily will take me several hours.
Yeah, I'm loving that too! So many challenges on my alt that I'd rather reroll than complete before (or I'd leave them in a slot incomplete so they couldn't reroll, like your fletching). Now I'm completing the challenges on all my accounts every day. :) Quick and painless, then I get back to skilling on my terms.