Ever since the combat update there's a pretty consistent bug where some hits don't seem to register when correctly timed. Examples are the Dazing Shot here https://www.twitch.tv/bardockrs/clip/DependableBlatantCoffeeKappaPride, the first Asphyxiate hit here https://streamable.com/edzqj and the Bombardment here https://streamable.com/nkr9l.
What they seem to have in common is moving, activating the ability, and the ability hitting on the tick your character stops moving. I'm not sure if my PvM brethren have noticed the same issue, but I can imagine this being quite detrimental for stuff like Telos. Would be cool if there was a fix or some better insight on why this happens so we can avoid it in the first place.
Edit: Apparently switching or activating prayer on the tick you stop moving is what causes the bug, so it's a bit more niche than I originally thought. I guess it's less important considering it's pretty uncommon, but a bug's still a bug.
I’ll chase this up and see what we can do