almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexTyran - Direct link

Originally posted by bravesther

Does jagex try to go further and find out which accounts are benefiting from the bots?

Yep - these are usually picked up in our more in-depth Real World Trading checks, especially for gold farming bots such as these.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexTyran - Direct link

Originally posted by sugn1m

Just wish they would trace any player involvements with these bots as well. Follow the gp/items traded.

Maybe they do already, I'm not sure.

We do :)

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexTyran - Direct link

Originally posted by SnerPnNerf

It’d be great if this was a weekly event. Spend 2 hours on a Wednesday afternoon cleaning out bots. Rotate which ones are targeted so it’s an even purge.

Moving forward we shall be doing this, but feel free to nag me if an area needs looking at.