about 1 year ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Our combat beta has been in full swing since November and over that time we have been polishing and refining changes to the systems with your feedback at the heart of it! We are drawing close to a release into the live game and for this final stretch we really want to get the feel just right and that is where today's update and you the players jump in.

With the aim of this patch being refinement before launch we are asking people to focus their feedback on how the systems feel compared to currently on live, there will be plenty of time in future for bigger picture ideas but right now we want to set a solid foundation for the other styles like Necromancy currently has.

Are your slayer tasks taking longer then normal? Are bosses flowing differently? How do you feel about the visual information you are getting from your tooltips and buffs etc

Let us know your constructive feedback on the beta and how it feels to you!

Read more here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/combat-beta--next-step

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Our combat beta has been in full swing since November and over that time we have been polishing and refining changes to the systems with your feedback at the heart of it! We are drawing close to a release into the live game and for this final stretch we really want to get the feel just right and that is where today's update and you the players jump in.

With the aim of this patch being refinement before launch we are asking people to focus their feedback on how the systems feel compared to currently on live, there will be plenty of time in future for bigger picture ideas but right now we want to set a solid foundation for the other styles like Necromancy currently has.

Are your slayer tasks taking longer then normal? Are bosses flowing differently? How do you feel about the visual information you are getting from your tooltips and buffs etc

Let us know your constructive feedback on the beta and how it feels to you!

Read more here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/combat-beta--next-step

External link →
about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by Geoffk123

kekw - Mod Sponge

To reiterate:


thank you.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Melee chads, we are


about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by hamwo41310

I can’t imagine the Herculean task this is to take on. I figure this is why there hasn’t been much update on new actual content. I appreciate that you folks are really giving this the best you can. I cannot wait to get to use my magic, ranged, and melee gear again! Everything looks great.

My only additional question following reading all this: Is the Seren God Bow spec any different aside from the loss of hit cap? Is SGB getting nerfed?

SGB should work roughly the same right now IIRC (the only changes were damage range squishing which all the other abilities got too)

We have a job in to rewrite the special at some point - (just back end changes really) that shouldn't really change how you play with it/how impactful it is

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by CallMeExiled

Damage extra hits from 30-32.5 dropped to 10-12. Am I reading it wrong possibly?

extra hits changed from 30->32.5 and from 10->12 (not 30->10)

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by niamh-k

Petition for an audiobook version of the upcoming "RuneScape: The Gift of Guthix" book, narrated by Mod Doom

I'll see what I can do - a whole audio book is a much larger undertaking than an update blog, mind you...

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by Alexexy

I feel the core issue of the old combat styles is still the uselessness of the abilities and the ridiculous bloat that comes from basic ability rotations.

Abilities should have a function aside from just doing damage and I would say only a fifth of the current basic abilities fit that criteria.

FWIW I agree, it's a multi stage process though and we wanna check players are happy each step of the way rather than doing everything at once.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by TheAdamena

Not a PVM god so I can't give much of an opinion on the abilities really, but I adore the action bar changes! Same with the channel progress bar!

You don't have to be a PvM god. You just have to be you - nobody else can, so it's up to you to do it. Your feedback absolutely helps us know we're moving in the right direction, so thank you.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by googIeit_osrs

Okay guys, I am a noob with about 60s range/melee, 70 mage. I don't really have a reference point for low level combat pre-necro but coming back and doing some slayer recently before i trained necro, getting absolutely destroyed by low level mobs from a Mazchna task lmao.

How can i best do some testing / provide feedback for the beta? Any recommendations besides trying to run some slayer without necro? Or maybe a low level mob that you guys think is balanced around my levels to compare the others too? thanks :)

Anything you 'can' do would be helpful really.

Of note in a seperate update (coming soon-ish) i've toned down most of the low level slayer mobs that were giving players troubles so you shouldn't get slain yourself so much.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Jimes

Equilibrium Aura has been redesigned

  • Aura Effect: Now increases the player's ability damage stat by 12%, but prevents the player from critically striking.

Is caps farming dead?

I could be wrong (i often am) but i think you might have a better time farming them, like another user stated. Because of the damage range squish your min hit is going to be up so you can probably one shot them with a higher variety of builds

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by Legal_Evil

I loved how OSRS news post started doing this. It's great RS3 is trying this out as well. Jagex should start doing this for future blogs as well.

Full disclosure - seeing OSRS do this immediately gave me a "lightbulb moment" of realising that it would be an excellent thing to trial for accessibility and ease of access, so I pilfered the idea and ran with it.

Big props to the mighty Mod Azanna who effortlessly figured out how to plug the audio in and to Mod Grace for letting me record the whole thing and put up with a few rough takes where I messed up lines. Superstars, the lot of them!