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srsly whos boneheaded idea was it to remove it? please revert this change, I loved using lobby on mobile if your gonna rremove minus well just directly log me into a damn world... I used mobile lobby a lot so please change it back. ):

also friends cans still pm u as if your in lobby, but you can never see the MESSAGE/RESPOND BACK... because guess what? NO MOBILE LOBBY. who ever thought this was a good idea needs to be fired tbf /RANT OVER...

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about 4 years ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

This will be returning in the future, it just wasn't ready to also be included in the updated lobby UI for this release.

Totally get it's frustrating for you, but just as a reminder, the experience on Mobile is completely subject to change at the moment. Part of getting us launched this year is introducing critical updates - and some of those may mean the experience is sub optimal or modified at times. It's why we're still in Beta.

By playing on Mobile in Beta, it does mean being braced for things like this - but you are massively helping us deliver on this launch this year by playing and we do really appreciate you bearing through any bumps along the way.