Hi all. Quick question: Does anyone know how to stop/block Verak Lith's spire spawn? I just got an ingame message during the first spawn that said "The ground around you stops shaking" after the spire spawn message. I haven't been able to replicate this, all I did when it happened was accidentally run under Verak.
I'll post a screenshot in a sec, this definitely seems repeatable and I'd love to know more cause f*ck spires, but there's also no mention of this on the rs wiki.
Edit: https://imgur.com/J25eGmW (The pop-up in question) I definitely didn't kill the pillar, it just never spawned and the screen shake indicating the spawn stopped faster than usual.
Edit2: I'm asking if anyone knows how to repeat the spire skip, incase it's not clear. This isn't about killing the spires as they spawn lol.
Edit3: Round 2, couldn't stop Spires spawning. Ran under Verak for each one with nothing happening. Might be related to ability use or just getting lucky with Spire spawn locations since you probably can't spawn one under Lith.
Edit4: yeah I have no f*ckin idea lmao, haven't been able to replicate it but it's there dammit.
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