10 months ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s master in necromancy is going to take
2s players on a powerful journey across
4s gilinore as well as to his underworld in
6s the city of um
12s a brief overview of the law that's going
14s to come with the necromancy skill there
16s will be the story of course of the
17s player's progression through using
19s necromancy
21s but there's also the story of the skill
23s itself The Narrative focused around the
26s first Necromancer as you learn who he is
29s and what interest he has in the player
33s the first Necromancer has attacked
35s Gilmore's Underworld the city of um
37s where it's enthralled its spirits
43s the first Necromancer who is he he's a
45s recurring issue in the history of
47s gilinore although not one you've really
49s come across before because this history
51s is somewhat hidden in secret
54s the first Necromancer was the first ever
56s personal Gilmore to learn necromancy as
58s you'd then guess he's been around for a
59s long time growing his power and
61s preparation for his grand plan
63s he has a history of taking apprentices
66s under his wing teaching them the ropes
68s of necromancy but then these
70s necromancers of History are typically
72s kind of just disappeared gone away you
75s can imagine what's happened to them
79s the first Necromancer wants to end the
81s cycle of life and death as we know it
82s which will change life and get along
84s forever the threat of this plan is that
87s to achieve this aim will require all
89s life on gilinore to end
95s the player must work with old and new
97s characters to must necromancy on the
99s journey that'll take you across skin lot
100s across the city of um to help you free
102s the spirits and defeat the fast
104s Necromancer so the first Necromancer has
106s chosen the player to be their new
108s Apprentice It's still an antagonistic
110s relationship though and you are working
112s to stop him in order to defeat the first
115s Necromancer you're going to have to
116s become a master of necromancer yourself
118s while you might be able to destroy his
121s body with a stray Arrow or a swing of a
124s sword eventually a necromancer will come
126s back so the only true way to defeat a
128s necromancer is by using their own power
130s against them the early quests and the
132s first Necromancer storyline will teach
133s you the fundamentals of necromancy such
135s as combat rituals and room crafting
138s through the story of necromancer you
140s will meet a number of characters some
142s old some new to begin with you'll be
144s given a friendly Necromancer in the form
147s of malignius mortifa who will be joining
149s the player in the city of um to teach
151s you those very first Basics a funny
153s skeleton called Ted who will teach you
156s about talents and talent points but of
158s course we can't forget death someone who
160s has been by your side since probably
162s your earliest days in RuneScape he's our
165s Ally throughout our journey as well as a
166s frequent visitor to the city of um as he
168s guides the souls to the underworld
171s as you grow your skills as a necromancer
173s the city of um will grow alongside you
175s coming to life is you free more spirits
177s but it's also a story that's going to
179s spill back out onto the surface as they
182s take their Newfound Necromancer skills
184s and use them against all of the content
186s in the game currently
188s Slater in the storyline will introduce
190s you to new bosses as you learn more
192s about the first Necromancer hermod is a
194s phantom and The Bodyguard of the first
195s Necromancer the spirit of War forged in
198s the battles of the third age
201s then the story will progress to learning
203s about this hidden history about who the
205s first Necromancer is and all of this
207s will lead up to a final confrontation
209s against the first Necromancer himself in
212s his power base The Citadel floating
214s above the city above