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Vod | This Week In RuneScape - 01/09/20 | Teaser for Next Week

A message to Jagex from me.

UPDATE: Discounted Treasure Hunter key and Oddments exploit

  • This was NOT a bug but a balancing error on our part.
  • Around 7,000 accounts attempted this exploit by only 13% (~900 accounts) were punished.
    • Accounts who just came across it or tested the issue will not be punished.
  • We are taking responsibility for this, however players will remain punished exactly as the original announcement states.
    • We aren't punishing everyone for it since it was our fault.

In the future

  • We need to do better testing with edge cases.
  • 'Consider' adding a daily-cap to items in the oddment store.
    • This will probably be balanced by offering discounts to more items in the shop.
  • If this happens again reach out to us, we may try to have a channel where you can specifically for this.

Distraction and Diversion Update & Something Else

ETA: Monday September 14th 2020

  • Penguin Hide & Seek - Discussed Today
  • Another Update - Discussed Next Week.
  • Early Bird Bonus: 14th Sept - 27th Sept
    • 1 free penguin reset token after spying a penguin.
    • Secret Agents spawn more frequently.

Penguin Hide & Seek

New Changes

  • Reward shop has been turned into an interface with existing and new rewards.
  • Upon spying a penguin there's a chance a 007 penguin
    appears in the nearby area (only for you).
    • Provides 2 penguin points and a clue casket (Easy-Elite with a chance of upgrading to Master).
  • Secret agent penguins spawn randomly around the world.
    • Provides 2 penguin points.
    • They despawn after someone spots them and respawn randomly in the world after a set period of time.

Achievements & Comp Cape Reqs


Redesign has changed them from being michievous to being more innocent.


Consumables Cost
Small Xp Lamp 1 Penguin Point
Medium XP Lamp 2 Penguin Point
Large XP Lamp 4 Penguin Point
Huge XP Lamp 8 Penguin Point
50,000 Coins 1 Penguin Point


Cost is in Penguins Found

Unlocks Cost Description
Penguin spy device Free -
'Scan' upgrade 10 An upgrade to the penguin spy device that increases the range of the scan function.
'Birdwatcher' title 20 A passionate birdwatcher can spot their target regardless of disguise.
'Zap' function 40 An upgrade to the penguin spy deice that zaps penguins stunning them in place for 1 minutes.
Briefcase of disguises 60 A briefcase that stores various penguin outfits which can blend you into any situation
'Spymaster' title 70 Reserved for those who have given great service to identifying penguin spies across the world.
'Sheldon' pet 80 -

Unlock Info

  • Penguins found is a new stat tracked similar to the Bosses killed in War's Retreat.
    • Not tracked until the update is live.
  • Unlocks are automatically unlocked as you spy enough penguins.
  • Briefcase of disguises contains 7 transmogs.

Penguin spy Device

  • Inventory item that allows you to Scan, receive hints, and zap penguins.
    • Zap function isn't unlocked by default. It holds penguins in place for 1 minute.
  • The Hint option is similar to the one currently accessible via Larry/Chuck.
  • Scan function default is a 20-tile radius (upgraded is a 30 tile radius).
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about 4 years ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by Mel_Kazul

I'm really looking forward to seeing some of these changes however I do have a few questions regarding a few things that I hope a Jmod can answer.

  • Is there a cool down period on the penguin before it can be zapped again?

  • Have you tested to see what happens if the zapping feature is used to keep a penguin from being unable to move for 10 minutes?

  • Can zapping a penguin be used to send it back to it's spawn point?

  • Does the zap work on ghost?

  • Can the scan and hint options be made usable to find the ghost penguin?

  • Is there a way for players to work out the new borders for hints and if so how would you recommend doing so?

  • Does the polar bear count towards the penguins found counter?

My reasons for these questions are as follows:

My greatest concern about the update is the zap feature as it comes across as a double edge sword. The ability to make a penguin unable to move is a nice feature but currently if a penguin is unable to move for 8 to 10 minutes it will return to it's spawn point. While being able to hold a roaming penguin still can be helpful at times it can be a hinderance to a herd if the zap were to last for a long time or if players were to use it repeatedly on a penguin that herders are trying to trap. Also I can see griefers making use of it to free a trapped penguin back to it's spawn point if it can be used repeatedly without a limited cool down use for the penguin. I think it would be beneficial if once a penguin was zapped that after the zap wears off it can't be zapped again for a time equal to the time that of the zap period.

I would love to see the zap feature work on the ghost if only for a few minutes as it would be of great use to keep it from running off on water.

I think it would be nice if the scan option could be used to locate the ghost along with the hint feature. Currently the hints chuck gives is for all the penguins in game regardless of if you've spied them and I know many ghost hunters that have learned to use the clues to help find the ghost and it would be awesome if the scan device could continue to help do so.

There are some players that have managed to work out the clue borders for the current penguin hints and have even created a world map of them on the RS wiki. Is it possible to give us a hint on how the new hint areas are set. It's fine if you're not able to as I trust players will work it out eventually.

I know the polar bear currently gives 1 penguin point and doesn't count to the quick chat number of penguins spied. I just wanted to know if this will be changing or staying the same.

I can answer some of these questions.

  • There wasn't a cooldown on the zap function, but we'll look to add one. After release we can monitor this cooldown and change the duration if required. This means it should not be possible to force it to teleport back to spawn.
  • Yes, the hints, scan and zap all work on the ghost penguin.
  • We haven't changed the borders too much but generally tweaked them so large areas are smaller. You'll hopefully figure them out from playing though :)
  • The polar bear doesn't count towards the total penguins found.
about 4 years ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by ImRubic

Regarding Penguin Stuff

  • On stream the Pumpkin and Snowman outfits were mentioned, are the Turkeys ones also getting changed?
  • Do the Secret Agents go above the weekly cap?
  • When you scan and there are two penguins within range, does it label both?
  • Have Polar bears changed at all?
  • I also have fears the zapping mechanic will be used to grief penguin hunter groups.
  • How will the Back to the Freezer XP buff reward be applied?

Quick fire answers to your questions: Holiday penguins will be updated later. As far as I'm aware the Turkey model is no longer used. Secret agents will go over the weekly cap. When you scan and it finds more than one it will ask which you want to track. Polar bears are unchanged. I've replied about zapping in another post but we'll to add a cool down in between. We were aware of trolling potential when designing and will try to make it as safe as possible. Back to the Freezer XP buff has been removed as a reward as it didn't work well with lamps. The new penguin and increases circus XP remain as rewards.

about 4 years ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by armcie

The back to the freezer buff was pretty substantial - from 25 x level to 40 x level is 60% more xp. Do the new lamps give xp at the higher or lower rate? If its at the lower rate, perhaps Back to the Freezer could give a price discount on the larger lamps?

This will be using lamp XP now so you'll be getting more XP per penguin point than previously.