over 3 years ago - /u/JagexKari - Direct link

Originally posted by greengiraffe77

bug fixes and more? whats the more

This week we're sharing news on Wishes, the next part of the Elder God Wars saga and have the results of the player gallery competition. While it's admittedly a quiet week in game (the devs are cooking up a lot of great things that'll be landing soon), there's still other things to be excited about :)

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexKari - Direct link

Originally posted by Cyandra

The Wishes will arrive in the form of a Guardian's Gift, which you can open to choose the Wishes you'd like to receive.

Honestly when you’re being that detail-light, just don’t add it to the news post.

We'll be going in much more depth in an upcoming standalone newspost!

over 3 years ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by TheHotstreak

I really wish you guys were more vocal about the issue with compatability mode that started on May 6th. Many people on the forums, reddit, and official discord channels have been unable to play for 11 days now.

How about actually keep these people updated instead of leaving them in the dark? /u/jagexhooli /u/jagexkari

We'll work on getting an update from the team on this and get back to you. The team have been actively on prepping a fix so hopefully we'll be back with some timelines to share.