9 months ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s today I'm going to be taking my dad
2s Christian through the beginning of
4s necromancy we're going to be teaching
5s him all the ins and outs of the tutorial
7s and entering the city of um and uh
10s you're pretty excited wait the city of
12s what the city of um um I thought you
14s were like stalling yeah like I hope he
17s knows the name yeah okay
18s um I've played some RuneScape in the
20s past I've bought a lot of gift cards for
22s uh way down over the years
24s Raziel the first Necromancer he is going
27s to be one of the main characters that we
29s interact with and is he previously part
31s of the lore or is this kind of new
34s [Laughter]
37s like what really yeah death I met him
41s yesterday yeah yeah and just a real
43s quick maybe just as a wave introduction
45s so people know I'm actually legally
46s blind uh which is why Wade does doing
48s all the reading you need to sweep away
50s all the dust before we can start okay
54s this is allergies just do the inner area
56s for now it's cool animations and if you
59s go up a bit you can see and you get an
61s XP from this and this is actually the
63s like a progress course yeah so this is
65s like two skills in one then is it like a
68s combat side plus a kind of crafting so
70s necromancy Works a little bit different
71s than the other skills where uh you know
73s like with magic you have to select a
74s spell yeah and that's going to be your
76s base attack
77s um necromancy just has an auto attack uh
79s it works with your death guard which you
80s can equip now the same yeah boom awesome
83s level five sweet and you also got some
86s treasure hunter keys
88s he says I've been meaning to ask but
90s where are we he says um do you not know
92s because it sounds like you did
95s do some fashion Escape I love that uh
97s the the lantern yeah it's super cool
99s that looks good all right can we can I
102s summon
105s skeleton nice and that bar above his
107s head is his duration always duration
109s okay
110s so there we go yeah this is Ted Junior
113s yeah he's going to task now do I need to
115s get some food uh you're getting hurt a
117s little bit Yeah cooked Undead me yeah
121s let's do it okay that's disgusting yeah
124s so you see how some of the damage is
126s purple yeah some is light blue okay the
127s difference between your damage and your
128s summit no that's cool I want to be able
131s to summon an army we're doing combat
134s right now so in The Well of Souls I'm
136s gaining XP right now so I can eventually
138s get to the next tier Talent point or
140s whatever right for my talent tree so
142s that's cool okay and so it is it is a
144s ranged my my spells are obviously range
146s yes so I can probably do some safe
148s spotting and from a combat skill
150s standpoint like this versus ranged to me
153s this is way more fun or interactive
155s right and
157s um yeah so I enjoy that there seems to
159s be a person one second who is this you
161s wanna fight him no I think it's another
162s can we pick him
166s can we type
167s you want you only type to him yeah okay
169s I'm gonna I think it's protox
171s is protox
173s you the legendary protox
179s this is going in the video
181s do you
186s is this easy he's been great performs
190s well the story is excellent it's a lot
192s of fun it's engaging I thought it was
194s really witty commentary the Arts uh
196s beautiful and stuff so I'm looking
198s forward look it's it's early right I
199s mean what do we got 10 levels 11 levels
202s um so I'm curious to see you know once
204s you hit 50 70 80 and what kind of
207s different things you can do so yeah yeah
209s well thanks everyone it was cool meeting
211s you all and um yeah thanks jagex for
214s um setting this up and yeah let me hang
215s out with my boy and uh do some RuneScape
217s together