about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLuma - Direct link

Hello hello, the following issues have now been hotfixed for Het's Oasis:

  • Chito & Frito will no longer get stuck during a catch if another player catches the scarab first
  • Chito will no longer get stuck behind a wall after dropping loot in the south-east corner
  • Icthlarin will no longer disappear during Eye of Het I if you left the instance after clearing the rifts
  • Nutritious gasses will no longer give infinite harvest XP if clicked at the end of harvesting a flower bush

Bugs on our radar (to be fixed in the coming days/weeks):

  • Globetrotter jacket teleport doesn't work for Hamid & Jaraah clue scrolls
  • Prayer powders not disappearing from buff bar when timer is finished (requires relogging)
  • Ring of duelling teleports you into a stool
  • Plank box can't be used for constructing flower baskets
  • Obstacles can be failed on the Het's Oasis Agility course even with the greater surefooted aura or Agility skillcape

Thanks to everyone who has been raising these!

External link →
about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLuma - Direct link

Hello hello, the following issues have now been hotfixed for Het's Oasis:

  • Chito & Frito will no longer get stuck during a catch if another player catches the scarab first
  • Chito will no longer get stuck behind a wall after dropping loot in the south-east corner
  • Icthlarin will no longer disappear during Eye of Het I if you left the instance after clearing the rifts
  • Nutritious gasses will no longer give infinite harvest XP if clicked at the end of harvesting a flower bush

Bugs on our radar (to be fixed in the coming days/weeks):

  • Globetrotter jacket teleport doesn't work for Hamid & Jaraah clue scrolls
  • Prayer powders not disappearing from buff bar when timer is finished (requires relogging)
  • Ring of duelling teleports you into a stool
  • Plank box can't be used for constructing flower baskets
  • Obstacles can be failed on the Het's Oasis Agility course even with the greater surefooted aura or Agility skillcape

Thanks to everyone who has been raising these!

External link →
about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLuma - Direct link

Originally posted by cdgravley

Any word if you'll update hunter to instanced per player? Currently you can just spam stack the scarabs making it impossible for anyone to really get the shells. Pretty much getting constantly griefed by other players spam stacking all the scarabs.

I'm sitting on this feedback for now - Hunter has always been competitive, obviously especially so on release day (and more especially so with people trying to get their comp cape back) - not ruling it out, but not jumping to instance it right this moment

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLuma - Direct link

Originally posted by Nessx4

what about every player having the reaper crew bonus even if they haven't completed the achievement?

Not sure about this one I'm afraid - have raised it and will try take a better look at it tomorrow

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLuma - Direct link

Originally posted by Riveraanda

With all due respect there's a difference between competitive and not being able to catch a single scarab in 10 minutes. Just make them instanced please so everyone's blood pressure goes down.

Yeah, that's fair - instancing them would take a bit more work than can be done in a quick hotfix. Will be keeping an eye on it

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLuma - Direct link

Originally posted by ZarosianPaladin

It looks like icthlarin is still missing, at least for me. Is there something specific I have to do to get him to reappear?

Hey, have you tried re-entering the area?

about 3 years ago - /u/JagexLuma - Direct link

Originally posted by ZarosianPaladin

I gave it a shot, but he's still missing, seems like other players are having the same issue

Interesting, I'll send you a DM