about 1 year ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s greetings mod stew here I'm excited the
5s last of my contributions to October and
6s December's game jams will release in
9s runescape's patch notes on Monday the
11s 27th among a variety of other bug bears
15s blattered by my fellow developers you'll
17s finally be able to sort and filter your
19s quest list from your quest list
21s and I've smoothed out a variety of
25s memorable experiences in exclaren's
28s Little Helper from repeatedly falling
30s down invisible pits in clintus pyramid
32s to the quest Giver requiring a full
35s water skin after a very long
37s conversation in the desert heat
40s I remember playing a Clarence Little
41s Helper for the first time about a decade
43s ago resorting to paying a small fortune
46s at the time for a water Tiara to stop my
48s character from setting their thirst with
50s every one of the full water skins They
52s Carried
53s Good Times