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I was doing Rune Mysteries and everything was fine until I went through the door after the Rune Guardian.

I ended up in a black void. I was still able to move and Ariane was moving around, but everything but myself and Ariane was solid black. I relogged to try and fix it and I sat on the "Loading - please wait." black screen for several minutes. I tried again twice more, restarting the client once and reinstalling the client the second time.

I've been sitting on that black screen for about 20 minutes now.

I was able to fix it using home teleport hotkeys. By default, that'll be T to open the menu and then any location will do. I think Burthorpe is an option by default. That hotkey is B. Any of them work. V for Varrock, F for Falador, etc. etc. Though W is the wilderness so you probably don't want that.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Thanks so much for reporting this. We're looking into it urgently.

If you are in this state, can you drop your RSN name here so we can look into it as well as the fix? https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/n68jsx/psa_do_not_hop_worlds_at_the_magister/gx5yeq3/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3