Original Post — Direct link
over 2 years ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by 5-x

/u/jagexsponge Why is the unlimited teleport seed tradeable, and the one-time teleport seed untradeable? Logically, shouldn't it be the other way around?

Why don't they get the obelisk shard / portable obelisk treatment?

Let players trade the one-use seed. And you have to steal yourself the unlimited one. Let us alch the duplicates. Problem solved.

Let players trade the one-use seed. And you have to steal yourself the unlimited one. Let us alch the duplicates. Problem solved.

I can speak to the team about this - I'm not against changing it. When originally created I incorrectly assumed these would be balanced to be rarer than they are and it'd fall into the 'excessively expensive for a minimal buff' area.

I definitely think at a minimum the weak seed should be tradeable.