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Rant Wednesday is a monthly thread for exactly what you might think it's for. Rant, vent, complain, comment, speak your mind and air your grievances with anything concerning RuneScape, Jagex, or even the subreddit itself! This is your time to get whatever you want off your chest, so make it count!

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over 4 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by SVXfiles

Minor pothole I just now realized regarding this quest. Saradomin is in possession of the Crown Archival. That particular artifact let's him know the locations of other artifacts, downside is the user's of those can also know where he is. Why didn't he just use his crown to say he knew where the stone was hidden?

The Crown doesn't give exact locations, at least not for Saradomin, only a rough general area (i.e. Gielinor).