Original Post — Direct link

Hello everyone. We are sad to tell you that we had some unfortunate events happen in the EDT discord. This lead to some people being removed from the server, as well as a lot of information and old posts being removed. We also lost access to the accounts that were being used to host Elite dungeons and had to create the new "EDTeams" Fc.

This means that all ranks both in the FC and in discord have been removed and you will have to verify in our discord. https://discord.gg/ft854wq

If you have any questions about this you can read our #announcements, or contact the leadership team for further assistance.

We're sorry for any inconveniences this may cause, and hope that you understand that we're doing our best to restore everything back to how it was as fast as possible, as well as improving on certain aspects to prevent any problems in the future.

External link →
about 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Have an upvote, you lot do amazing work and I have no doubt you'll get back to what it used to be.

Sorry it happened to you, but you got this!