almost 7 years ago - /u/JagexJack - Direct link

While we're happy with the overall direction of the project, we've made a lot of changes to the design based on feedback from the beta and the previously shown design docs.

There are other smaller changes (primarily usability and QOL fixes) but these are the biggest ones.

Ore Box

The ore bag, which was created and destroyed automatically, has been re-imagined as the ore box which you make using Smithing (or buy from the GE) and have to remember to take with you.

Full design here.

Upgraded Masterwork Armour Degrading

Based on substantial amounts of feedback on the subject, upgraded masterwork armour now degrades to broken rather than to dust. The repair cost is a piece of masterwork armour of the same type.

Revised design here.

Artisan's Workshop

Ceremonial swords are back, as an optional D&D which can occur while Smithing in the same manner as the Pit.

Revised design here.

Low Heat Smithing

After the beta, we've changed the core mechanics of Smithing so that you can continue making your item even at 0 heat. Before, progress would stop completely until you reheated it. Now, progress continues but with a 50% penalty. This allows for completely AFK Smithing, but half as fast.

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