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edit: It has been considered. Not a case of CGIMs being unable to do flash events, but no rewards given. Source

As a concequense of not being able to participate in wilderness flash events, CGIMs are locked out of quest cape and comp. This is because the miniquest Civil War II requires completing one Wilderness Flash Event, for the achievement Walk on the Wildy Side I. This miniquest is then a req for Succession

This also means some other content is inaccessible - infernal puzzle box from stage 4 onwards and the Dive ability.

This is too much content to handwave away like the dark onyx core has been. Has jagex confirmed anywhere that this has been considered?

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about 20 hours ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Hey, so as others have mentioned you will be able to do Wilderness Flash Events specifically for the above reasons, but you won't get any rewards from them as a CGIM.

The idea is anything that quest, comp, and trim should be available for all CGIM players to obtain. We may have missed something - there's a lot of requirements and there may have been something that slipped through. However, this is something we'd fix ASAP to ensure players can get these items. If you see anything just report as a bug and we'll get right on it!