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So ive been wondering a few things, the elder gods are reborn every cycle right. and im sure they share the same elements but i dont know if every cycle they "die" for sure and if they keep the same names, was Jas named jas in the last cycle? where do the old elder god corpses go?

Additionally we have elder gods that represent a lot of base concepts, light dark, time, life, fire, earth but what about death, decay, eternity and the mind/spirit? Do the gods keep the same elements each cycle?

My theory is split between two possibilities , either in all cycles their has been 6 elder gods and xau-tak is the only "brother" of this group (or maybe genders are random every cycle) and in the previous cycle he opted out of being reborn. His previous cycles name was just xau but instead of having a reborn egg of tak he chose to absorb this anima fully and became xau-tak instead but in doing so became kind of corrupted. The cycle ended and the last cycle consumed the universe and probably tried to consume him as well which led to him being in a weakened state, the elder god of light and darkness probably took the brunt of the damage to take him down which is why her egg was weaker and mah became corrupted and stillborn.

Xau-tak was not destroyed entirely in this process, and the death of the universe's beings kept him alive until the next cycle was reborn on freneskae and forged a new universe. The new cycle not having memories of the last do not know of his existence and he has slowly been biding his time building power making worlds of corpses and corruption. Xau-taks first entry point seems to be the dark void of the oceans so drawn to our world from the countless wars and death he made his first entry to the oceans.

The other possibility i have is much shorter, since the first cycle he was the only brother but he does not reproduce himself , he only thrives off death and the decay of the universe so at the end of each cycle he is the one who consumes and destroys the weakened elder gods after they make their eggs. He is kind of the anti matter to the matter of the elder gods, he is the source of all shadow anima. Now he knows for his own eternal existence he must let the cycle continue so he holds back on destroying everything for the sake of his own continuation. However being the true form of death and decay he has seen his own death, the end of the cycles involving him, the player will save the elder gods from their demise at his hands, that is why he asks the player although indirectly "Do you think you can save them player? You can't. The spiral of time leads only to the gaping maw of eternity. And this is Xau-Tak. "

So what are peoples thoughts on this idea? is a jagex ninja going to come and silence my ideas?

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about 4 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

I'd like to know what "somtehing else" truly means in XT's context. Because if he's no Elder God and no Anti-Elder God... Then what? Malice itself? The Dark Matter?

The only parallel i can draw about him has nothing to do with Runescape, like at all, but hear me out:

SPOILERS Obviously

There's a game called Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. There, the main story revolves around a "malice" that turned pokémon into savages. This malice then corrupts the "Tree of Life" which come to think of it is very very similar to the Heart of Gielinor.


By corrupting the main source of life, the dark matter would corrupt all living beings, and therefore plunge the entire universe into chaos. Dark Matter can also turn every pokemon into... yeah you guessed it. STONES!

I don't know if this is just a casuality, or if the Jmods are aware of these parallel stories existing. I could also link one of Ayreon Albums to the Dragonkin Storyline. i mean:

"Pride comes before our fall", "Our quenchless thirst for knowledge"... and "Looking for a planet to escape" from a great revision, I may be reaching here, but these references are too similar and quite fun coincidences if anything else.

It would be cool if /u/Darkhearted_Raven gave his opinion on these similarities because i think they're quite interesting :)

I've never heard of that game and it's not something that any of the lore council have ever raised in regards to the story. Sorry, this is a reference dead end here and any similarities are entirely coincidental.