almost 7 years ago - /u/JagexRamen - Direct link

Hey everyone!

We're now approaching the end of the working week here at Jagex, but we wanted to give you an overview of everything related to Solak, in this post you'll find information on what bugfixes we have coming, what hotfixes we've done so far and much more!

It goes without saying that we're thrilled with Solak's release so far, streams that broadcasted Solak did incredibly well and we here at Jagex loved watching the battles on our screens.

Unfortunately some bugs did slip by, some of these revolved around bypassing the damage caps we implemented in to Solak to stop you "skipping" phases.

We’re assessing how many players abused this and will follow through with appropriate action based on the severity of their abuse. Bug abuse is something we will not tolerate.

However, our work is never done, we've been relentlessly tracking down issues and fixing them where possible, to give you an idea check out the list below

Bugfixes & Feedback for next game update (4/06/2018)

  • The minimum and maximum amount of reaper kills assigned for Solak has been lowered.
  • The lifepoints on the Manifestations of Erethdor on phase 4 of Solak's group mode in the overworld has been lowered from 45,000 to 25,000.
  • Another magical mushroom has appeared near the fairy ring in The Lost Grove, which acts as a shortcut down from the hill.
  • An option to exit the arena before the fight has started has been added to Solak.
  • The Burst of Nature attack will no longer deal damage to players at the end of phase 4 if Solak has been killed.
  • A purple spotanim that plays around Solak will now clear at the start of the next attack.
  • Solak will no longer attempt to insta-kill players who have left a previous Solak fight and entered a fresh battle.
  • Solak’s arms and legs will now pass all damage types through it’s hiteffect.
  • If players are pushed out of the arena, they will be dragged back to the middle.

Hotfixes since the last update:

  • 29/05, 12:00 UTC: Merethiel's stave override is no longer unlocked for all players.
  • 30/05, 10:30 UTC: Added a check to nerf poison damage when Solak should be moved into the next phase.
  • 31/05, 08:10 UTC: Vengeance now has a maximum damage cap.
  • 31/05, 09:30 UTC: All damage types no longer bypass Solak's HP cap on phase 3.
  • 31/05, 10:30 UTC: Applied the above HP cap fix to duo-mode Solak.
  • 31/05, 14:00 UTC: The binding crush mechanic on phase 2 of Solak will now draw a player back into the arena if placed outside of the playable arena.

Bugs being investigated

  • Phase 3 - Solak does not store the last tank when being subdued by a rune, causing him to reagro to a nearby player.
  • Phase 2 - Solak will sometimes get stuck and do nothing after his ‘Binding crush’ attack.
  • When attacking Solak, he is using Nex: Angel of Death sounds.
  • The last hit of a dying NPC will ignore defensive abilities & prayers, this has especially affected players taking on the manifestations in P4.

It goes without saying that all of the feedback you've given us has been incredibly helpful, we'll continue to monitor over the weekend as well as after the game update on Monday!

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