3 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Grab your Axes and get ready to dive into the newest 110 Skills! Woodcutting & Fletching. Going live Monday December 9th.

Read all about it here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/110-woodcutting--fletching--firemaking---new-skilling-update

External link →
3 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Grab your Axes and get ready to dive into the newest 110 Skills! Woodcutting & Fletching. Going live Monday December 9th.

Read all about it here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/110-woodcutting--fletching--firemaking---new-skilling-update

External link →
3 months ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by Glenger

Will Yew logs still be accessible in F2P? Will we still be able to fletch and or burn them?

No changes to yew with this update, as yew's a level 70 wood.

The focus was on increasing the skills to 110 and adding Woodcutting and Fletching unlocks within that bracket.

3 months ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by GamerSylv

Will the new Fletching mechanics apply to lower tiers? I mean the streamlined and consistent ammo production.

We're experimenting with some new mechanics within the allocated space of 100-110.

Applying them to lower tiers, depending on how well that's received, would require a larger rework outside the scope of 110 projects.

3 months ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by ResolutionDeep2922

Will there be new comp/mqc/trim reqs?

Similar pattern to 110 Mining & Smithing, but yes.

5 new achievements, 3 on comp. (We didn't do an MQC lore book this time, to spend the time on things like experimental new mechanics.)

Plus the 3 110 skill achievements on Master Skiller, with the same shockingly generous 9 month grace period.

3 months ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by FalseNameRS

So no retiering for lower fletching levels, e.g. rune arrows will still require lv75 fletching despite being lv50 ammo as well as no things such as necronium arrows/bolts?

Correct. Breezy and I have been chipping away at re-tiering Fletching in the last two gamejams, because it's something we really want to fix, but it's way outside the scope of a 110 project.

The focus here is raising the skill cap to 110, adding another tier of content above 99, and getting those to you in a regular cadence.

3 months ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by Bladekill990

Most of this looks fine, if not better. A couple questions though:

  1. Resourceful aura - how does this factor in other people's auras? Like when we hit 0 on the timer, does it get +30 per player with aura capped at 5? Or if one player has aura, give +30, repeat 5 times? I can't remember if resourceful has tiers, but if it does, how does that effect the effect?

  2. With the re-tiering of God arrows, are they still compatible with the weapons that can currently use them? I'd assume so, but if not, maybe just have a way to easily upgrade them to t100.

3. Crystallize nerf? With no way to compensate the XP/hr at the level? While it doesn't make sense to have more exp on lower trees, it would've made more sense to have it's effect on higher level trees also upgrade the chop chance, so they become better to use it on than the lower trees. Maybe a message like 'The tree becomes more brittle as it crystallizes'.

  1. Whoever chops the last log is the one who rolls for any sort of boosts. At that point it adds 30 seconds if successful, and this happens a max of 5 times per tree “life”
  2. Yes
3 months ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by Nervous_Marketing_10

So the ETERNAL magic trees aren't actually eternal?

I mean, why add a timer instead of just making them unlimited sources like mining?

We felt internally that tree felling is a core identity for Woodcutting, and wanted to keep that. I think there’s a lot to be said on the topic of infinite vs limited uptime for resources

3 months ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by Denkir-the-Filtiarn

sigh Chop-ertunities was right there.


3 months ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by xBHx

Hatchet will be called Nature & Spirit right.

Been on this hill for years, and I'll die on it :P

One of the hatchets was named that briefly at one point during development, and it's changed name at least twice since then.

3 months ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by rosegold_diamond

Just to confirm tho....

Would we need to interact with Evil Trees in some way shape or form (like we did with 110 M&S for the PoLaD)?

Like, burning Evil tree kindlings for a component?


3 months ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by DunKhaerion

I dont remember if it was stated, but primal arrows/bolts will be able to be used with eternal bows/primal cbows - correct? Even if damage is scaled down?

Yup, just how ranged has always work. Damage will just be capped at the weapon level as per

3 months ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by Icy_Childhood8325

Just kinda out of curiosity, is there any reason this wasn't approached as an overhaul similar to mining/smithing? Seeing as both sets of skills were in a place of having lots of mismatching between gathering/crafting tiers and needed fleshing out with more modern craftables it seems like it would have made sense to do another rework, if maybe a smaller one.

3 months ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by Bladekill990

Thanks for the reply! And fair enough, I should have put 3 as a seperate post.

I'm not sure I understand 1 still. Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but aren't the trees going on a timer, so they aren't falling from a log harvest?

Does it just update who chopped the last log every time one is cut? And who gets chosen as last cutter if two people get a log on the same tick?

IIRC from the dev implementation, when the timer runs out it looks for the last person to chop a final log and then disappears. So it's not just insant on timer hitting 0, it's nicer to players that way

3 months ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by shrinkmink

I find it funny they acknowledge that trees dying randomly can be frustrating but still decided to use that for material caches for archeology.

Also rip necklace prices...they been on the uptick since the last porter event. Overall this would've been a good opportunity to get rid of jewelry from bird nests and just add ore spirits/salvage. Crafted goods should actually be crafted, if members don't want to make them then let f2p do it.

I don't think the existence of one thing invalidates the other, it's not so binary good or bad. Each skill having it's own differences and being quirky in their own way is good.

You also have to consider core node vs. a not-so-core node, you could interact perfectly fine with all of Arch 1-120 without ever touching a material cache but not the same for WC's trees.

3 months ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by Alphadictor

Will the Grove - Tier 2 bird nest auto pick up work on the new bird nest?


3 months ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by justlemmejoin

did I miss when they decided to rename the new hatchet instead of reusing “life and death”?

Last I heard a jmod confirmed there wouldn’t be a unique name for it, which was not well received. Seems like they changed their mind? Haven’t seen anyone mention this

Quite the opposite actually! The feedback for having unique names was loud and clear

3 months ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by Jolakot

Thank yew

This is what teak performance looks like.

3 months ago - /u/JagexJack - Direct link

Originally posted by Rab-z

Its still not too late to rename the lumberjack instinct into choportunities


3 months ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by DiabloVodk

To create the T90 augmentable hatchet we need the crystal and imcando hatchet.. what if they are both augmented and have perks on them? Do we get the chance to choose what perks stay on the new T90 or are they all destroyed in the process?

Follows the same rules as the pickaxe of earth and song.


"Should the crystal pickaxe and icando pickaxe both be augmented, the choice is presented to keep one of the two augmentations; the perks and item experience on the other augmentation will be lost."

3 months ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by timchenw

Are the Croesus offhand arrows also getting T100 damage or just strictly the 4 types of god arrows?

Only the elder god arrows.

3 months ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by Purple_Arno

will the primal axe have a +5 or just base to put on tool belt?

Hatchets aren't upgradeable so the new ones follow suit.

The augmentable hatchets have a slightly higher success chance even without gizmos, though.

3 months ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by RandomInternetdude67

t100 possibly it certainly wasn't going to be the t90 as to keep it consistent with Mattock and Pickaxe was always going to be Crystal and Imcando 

Yep, there's an established pattern to follow with augmentable hatchets - the inferno hatchet doesn't adze up.

3 months ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by xwillismex

Will we be able to use hatchets on the toolbelt to create the new t90 hatchet? I don't want to collect any more harmonic dust :x

You'll be able to withdraw your hatchet from the toolbelt, similar to how pickaxes work.

3 months ago - /u/JagexJack - Direct link

Originally posted by VoidBowAintThatBad


You were so preoccupied with whether or not you could, you didn't stop to think if you should.