about 2 months ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

29s e
59s e e
100s hello hello hello and welcome welcome
102s welcome to a very special Rune skill and
106s chill we are doing our Christmas parade
109s yeah wo um welcome back um to everyone I
114s hope you are all having a great day um a
117s great week we are very excited to be uh
121s almost finished um I suppose for the
124s final live stream of the Year o sad um
129s but I am joined by the amazing Lily and
132s Sun welcome to you both how are
135s you hello I'm really happy to be here
138s today yeah yeah very excited very
142s excited great turnout already amazing
144s turnout look at all of you so
147s many so proud amazing I mean both of you
151s have been working so hard to get this
153s ready like what's been the process in
156s creating this like you both have worked
157s so
160s [Laughter]
162s hard there's lots of elements to it um I
166s think you know we usually start off by
169s um just having General chat about it
172s then we um we like to uh plan a route
175s and make it different each time so we
177s make a little map and we make some stuff
180s points for people so we can like catch
183s up anyone who breaks off from the parade
185s and so that the jods have got space to
188s hand out their love letters and things
190s yeah and what we usually do as a a team
192s is make some uh
194s screenshots together in game which is
196s the funnest part actually I think and uh
200s we use those for some of the advertising
202s and things amazing and then after that
204s it's just details here and there for
207s sure for sure uh we're in World 11 for
210s for people who are just joining us
211s welcome welcome um for any jods who are
216s listening uh there is a change in
219s transmogs if you go onto your seasonal
222s selection there you go you can change
223s them over uh very very
226s cool so like Don his Christmas hat dude
230s a it's very good it's very good and he's
232s got Christmas be lights as well yeah mhm
236s mhm so cute let's first give out a
240s couple of Love Letters to you all
243s because we are so kind and we want to
245s share the love with you all this
248s Christmas do you both have anything
250s planned for Christmas before we start
251s the
254s parade quiet one this year I think
258s yeah yeah how about you Lily uh bit of
261s both a bit of quiet and just um relaxing
264s in front of the Christmas tree and the
266s fire and stuff and um do parties as well
270s awesome awesome awesome awesome about
273s yourself I well I am in Cornwall at the
275s moment um I'm with family so having a
278s nice relaxing time here uh which would
281s be good um again it'll be quite quiet I
284s don't think it'll be that busy but yeah
286s it'll be really nice it'll be really
287s really nice uh less partying and more
291s family time which is good uh nice yeah
295s oh I'm seeing p uh Pink Santa hats my
299s goodness
301s right there and look at all these
302s pajamas so many outfits I'm loving
305s everyone's outfits so many P SS I'm so
308s jealous of you all of your big S I want
311s one do you both have one yet I have a
315s purple oh purple P yes I have a pink one
319s you well done well
321s done uh right I suppose Shall We Begin
327s the parade son I believe you are leading
329s us
331s I'll stand at the front
333s gate at the front walking where are
336s you oh yeah we got walk remember to walk
339s everyone change your the best
341s opportunity change your energy settings
342s to walk please you can walk otherwise
346s finishing this way too
349s early you can run along as
352s well I don't know where you are Max uh
355s uh I will go over to the load Stone I
358s stand right in front of the load Stone
360s ah I think that's you no that's not
363s you uh that's not yes I can't see
365s anybody but
367s I'm okay I'm following you son I got you
371s yeah now I've been blocked I've been
373s blocked by a
375s log the world population has gone up at
378s least 400 people so far so nice got good
381s turn let's try get to 1500 if we can
384s let's get a
385s try
387s 1500 yeah I think I think it's 1500
390s tried to get into one server I think it
392s was I think it's 8 87 or 67 I can't
395s remember which one it is but it's like
396s the Skilling uh Skilling oh yeah and
399s it's always so busy there and one was
401s just capped at 1500 I'm like why that's
404s weird try getting
406s in um but I think they definitely cap it
409s at
410s 1500 yay lots of peoples lots of peoples
414s yeah this is looking good now yeah my
416s goodness the lag the lag the lag is yeah
420s I thought it was maybe just my PC but I
422s think it's just a generalized feature
424s it's all good it's all good we can make
426s this wrong turn already so we going to
428s go
429s through uh oh following up your own
434s map yeah I missed the
436s Turning are we going to go through the
438s side out they are continuing that way so
441s we'll go that way well there's an
443s entrance here right by VAR we can get
445s yeah yeah we can go in the side gate I
447s think nice if so like fits do
451s it we will be giving out we will be
453s giving out uh love letters and St
456s waffles uh on each stop so come join us
460s at each stop um and we'll do a couple of
463s waffles and love letters along the way
466s people are just stopping off at the bank
468s as you do quick drop off anything you
471s need to before we get to the center my
474s screen completely froze there for a
475s minute oh no I'm trying to get a better
478s angle just so that I can it's very busy
481s make it less lagy but it's not working
483s it's wonderful it's
485s wonderful apologies for watching this on
488s the stream because yeah it's it's not
491s your it's not your screen it's just a
493s lot of people we're on world 11 we're
496s heading towards faric square and we're
498s going to just we'll stop there and
500s regroup for a little bit we're in World
501s 11 read the chat read the chat it's well
504s love
505s it yeah that's regroup yeah
510s thank you Crystal there so L there's
514s hell okay uh I've lost
519s snowl there's a boulder coming towards
521s us oh there's snowl YY I don't know who
524s snowl is but I'm following him still oh
527s my goodness right I couldn't click on
531s anybody else there's so so
534s many have some waffles have some waffles
538s have some waffles have you all got the
540s achievement yet for the waffles have you
541s all got is it nine is it nine of them
544s seven of them I think it's seven maybe
546s it's seven possibly sure a lot of people
550s do swaps certainly around the
553s events ah if you want your if you want
556s your achievement come and join us come
557s and join us uh we're in varic square now
560s I'm currently giving out some waffles uh
564s so if you want to get it come and get it
567s yeah and if you don't get the waffles
569s that you need you can always trade them
570s one to one with other players yes they
572s are
575s tradable um we will obviously be
577s recording this as well so it will be a
579s nice little video for our little Vlog on
581s YouTube but um also look out uh for one
585s of our Discord mods red Wigan who does
587s amazing recordings U of these and it
590s will be a nice one like what he did for
593s Halloween which is really really cool
595s did we confirm actually with red if he
598s is able to do it this this yes yes he is
601s he did amazing if you're watching we
602s said it it must be
604s true yes can't you can't get away from
607s it now
608s sorry sorry that's it it's in writing or
611s or speech it's it's on the internet now
615s so you know must be right
619s exactly I was seeing loads of people's
621s pets here and um I actually almost
624s brought mine and then I thought better
626s dismiss it but I'm seeing the lovely new
628s deer have any of you got the new deer
630s pet from um I've been I've been feeding
632s I've been feeding been feeding the
634s reindeer every day Rudy Rudy his name is
636s yeah I've been feeding every day um
639s getting the 500 every time um but I
642s realized you can potentially do it noted
644s and I think you have to do it ridiculous
646s amount until you get the pet and I
648s stupidly kept putting them in my bank so
650s now I've just got all this um
653s unnoted um food and I'm like I just have
655s to keep going back and forth to the bank
658s and I don't want to waste my magic paper
659s right cuz I only worked out how to use
662s Magic Paper yesterday
663s apparently yeah I saw that on the stream
666s I think you can withdraw the food noted
668s from the bank if you turn on the noted
670s option in the bank interface it probably
672s is I'm just doing it the hard way
674s because I'm me
677s right inad yes right should we move on
680s to next site yeah yeah I did a really
683s silly thing I actually uh chucked away
686s all my uh my food no because yes I did
690s because because I had no Bank space Oh
693s and I like so I so mainly I had hardly
696s any left I had about, 500 or something
698s was all I had left oh gosh so but a kind
702s friend helped me out and I managed to
703s get the oh well done well done but yeah
706s I was panicking I was thinking how I'm
707s never going to get enough food before
709s the end of the
711s event um right which way where are you s
715s we are going east again we're going east
717s okay back back the way we came so I'm s
719s of just at the East side oh I see a zamy
723s zamy just appeared and now they've got
725s yeah I've seen zamy doing circles I saw
727s next in there as well oh I can't see
729s anyone other than myself oh there there
732s he is there's Z everyone's moving now I
734s can just see zy at the
738s moment so we're heading to through the
741s desert I think speaking of zamy look who
743s I have with
745s me a cute little zamy with to one the
750s yes I just saw they adorable I have all
754s I've got all four of them very very cute
758s uh they're on makeship if you search on
761s makeship you can pre-order them I've got
764s all four of them very very cute which
766s I'm very happy about I'll show you the
768s rest as we keep going uh I have have the
771s glowin thee dark Omen pet from
773s necromancy
774s one I really want Omen Omen looks so
777s good
780s H I'm going to actually we'll wait until
782s we get to the next stop and then I'll
783s try and spawn into another
787s one oh God down this way to the
792s East are you lagging as really badly as
795s I am yeah I'm just trying to there we go
798s I think that's slightly better I just
799s like seeing everyone behind it's quite
802s nice all these people we seem to all be
805s bunched up into a group at the moment
806s for some reason I'm not quite sure why
809s and there's a few random pets following
811s us in the distance which is quite cute
813s overhead emojis too yeah it's great
815s though they are L of through
818s callington are we wait am I going the
820s wrong way no no going this way we're
822s going down into the desert into the are
824s we going to
825s eled yes we are
831s yeah so what's been your highlights of
834s the Year both of
836s you I really like working towards Big
839s upgrad so the mining and smithing new
841s tools and now the new Hatcher as well
844s did you hear about the mining and
845s smithing update that one that's the
850s one did you hear about it I'm not sure
852s if you heard about it but if you heard
854s about it it's the mining smithing
856s update how about you the highl the
858s highlight of my year I think was well
860s just in personal terms was that I maxed
862s out all my XP in January woo so that's
866s like I never ever thought when I first
868s started playing I would ever get to that
870s point that was really very exciting but
873s I must say life is quite strange
875s afterwards because anything else you do
877s including some of these lovely updates
879s to make your Hatchet and you know to
880s make the new pickaxe and things right
882s you don't you don't get any XP from it
884s and somehow you feel robbed I don't know
887s you don't feel robbed but it feels
888s different it's you know I think that's
890s partly why I've like not got to that
894s point yet where I'm like not pushing to
896s get to Max yet because I worry that once
899s I Max I'm like all right well I've done
901s it
902s now sort of just like at this weird
904s standstill but the good thing is the
907s amount of updates that is coming like
908s they are making it harder to you know
911s get these incredible um new equipment
914s pieces of equipment so yeah always ways
917s and there's loads of new updates coming
919s as well for uh the new year so it's
921s definitely going to make things much
923s more interesting for sure oh that's
926s exciting I think um there's always
928s something to work towards even when when
930s you've maxed out all your XP and you
932s can't earn any more XP there all sorts
933s of other you can go for achievements or
936s you know other challenges like um you
939s can go for ultimate Slayer things like
941s that always something to do
944s it's it's the uh what you call it you're
948s having
949s to the the the achievements for example
951s like the you got the not legendary one
954s the grand Masters are um that we've been
957s talking about and like the what is it
960s what does it go up to so you got easy
961s medium hard
963s and what's Elite and then and then Elite
967s I think it's elite and then you got the
970s the one after so which I think was in a
973s in a in a blog that we discussed um I
976s think some time ago but yeah it's the
980s these things are hard they're they're
981s not they're not easy um going through
984s some of them it is kind of crazy that
986s people are so committed to them but
989s that's that's what makes it so
992s cool and then in the New Year all the
994s combat Master pement coming out as well
996s yeah exactly oh I'm going to hide under
999s the bed when they come
1001s out I'm not very good at pvm
1005s so uh right that would be quite a
1007s challenge oh pvm really are you not a of
1011s them um no I'm just not very good at it
1014s I'm not very um intuitive with it and
1016s I'm not very fast at using like movement
1018s abilities and things so for example I
1021s quite often surge into walls and
1024s stuff
1026s so oh goodness I think I think it'll be
1029s great though because I mean we've had so
1031s many Skilling achievements and things so
1033s it will balance out nicely to have it on
1036s the combat side as well we are on we're
1039s in World 11 we're in World 11 um for for
1043s people who are asking and just joining
1045s come and join us come and join us come
1046s and join us uh I'm going to swap to
1051s another let's go maybe
1054s maybe oh maybe I'll go for Santa I'll go
1057s for Santa I'm going to be
1063s Santa bringing everyone we're in alarid
1066s at the moment beside the load
1067s Stone yeah come join us in alarid come
1070s come come come right should we move to
1072s the
1073s next is the next one crossing the riv
1078s yeah to squeeze into is drainer Village
1080s Square although we might want to maybe
1084s go somewhere drainer with more space
1087s perhaps oh is that the is it in Dro are
1090s we going we are going east no West are
1093s we going west west yeah okay west across
1097s the river Lum up by the
1101s castle oh goodness slow slow slow slow
1105s as you can we're on the crawl again we
1108s are we are but it's all good it's a good
1109s craw it's a good craw it's weird how
1111s everybody's kind of bunching up this
1113s time and you can't
1114s see the extent of maybe when we get into
1116s more open space we'll see better the
1118s extent of
1120s thead out more potentially
1129s potentially so so have um have you mod
1132s and Max if you got anything desperately
1134s that you would love for Christmas oh you
1138s know what I've been I've been looking at
1141s getting a new desk for for work I don't
1145s know how boring that sounds but I really
1147s want to um upgrade my setup at home um
1150s because I've got a secret lab chair um I
1153s really want to get the the Magnus I want
1154s to get the Magnus
1156s Pro lovely but every time every time I
1159s look at it it's like oh it's on a sale
1161s it's on a sale and every single time
1163s I've checked it's the exact same price
1166s even during like Black Friday and Cyber
1168s Monday it's like oh this is our lowest
1170s offer ever and it's like you're lying
1172s it's the exact same it hasn't changed
1174s why are you doing this you're lying to
1176s me so I'm waiting now until boxing day
1180s sailes because everyone knows that's
1183s when you really should be buying
1184s presents um how cheap everything is um
1187s and I'm hoping that it will slightly go
1190s down then but if it doesn't and I'm
1192s going to be 99% sure it probably won't
1195s I'll just probably end up buying it so
1197s is this a desk is or is a
1199s yeah it's a standing desk it's a a
1201s standing desk uh so looking forward to
1205s it um trying to yeah I'm I'm trying to
1208s work out cuz at the moment I don't have
1209s a standing desk I'm using an older desk
1212s uh that we've had uh for quite some time
1215s um but I've not had any other one and I
1217s need a standing desk like I've every
1219s time I uh I remember my old job I used
1222s we used to have standing desk and nice
1223s to you appreciate them more than you
1225s think you do um when you when you
1228s finally have one like oh crap yeah this
1230s is this is great this is great we really
1232s need one um but yeah now I'm like okay I
1236s definitely absolutely need one so yes
1239s yes yes yes I don't know very much about
1241s standing desks I mean assuming that you
1243s do stand at them but can you set at them
1245s as well can you adjust them or yeah so
1248s you you can set them up on the level
1249s that you want so you just do like you
1252s you move them to a certain point and
1253s then you've got like you save the you
1256s save like the the settings on them so it
1258s doesn't doesn't change uh it doesn't
1261s change it so you can always either do
1263s one for standing one for sitting uh and
1265s all sorts so every time you move it will
1267s just move with you which is lovely which
1270s is very very good so that sounds great
1273s yeah I think the thing s all day is a
1277s proper chair a desk chair I sit on a
1279s kitchen chair at the moment with a
1282s cushion on it so it's not probably very
1284s good for my posture so a nice a nice
1288s desk chair would be with some arms on it
1291s and um you know one that you can swivel
1294s around in and tilt it backwards and
1295s forwards and yeah oh that would be nice
1300s yeah uh but yes what about you uh son
1304s anything you're looking forward to for
1307s Christmas and you
1309s Lily nothing really in particular every
1313s year my wife asked me a couple of months
1315s out can you try and think of at least
1317s one thing that I can get you and I
1319s struggled difficult hard come up with
1323s something nobody really needs anything
1326s it's like when you're younger it's like
1328s oh you know exactly what you want but
1329s the older you get you just end up either
1331s buying it for yourself or just you just
1333s end up being like well I it's either
1335s just clutter so you don't want it or it
1338s will just be something that you end up
1339s finding to very useful around the house
1341s you're like actually I do need this and
1343s like no find an actual present let me
1346s buy you a present it's not work or a
1348s house chore thing thing but it's hard
1350s right it's hard hard it's really hard
1354s very hard and that sounds very
1356s privileged I recognize that so I will be
1359s absolutely it's very diplomatic answer
1362s thank you
1364s s it is a very PR thing it is what I
1368s would really like and this will never
1370s happen is a sausage dog puppy oh little
1374s Dex yeah I'm obsessed with them I really
1378s am obsessed with them
1379s um and quite often people walk their
1382s dogs past my window and I quite often
1384s see little sausage dogs with coats and
1386s things on and um they're just so so
1389s adorable um but it's it's not a good
1392s time for me to have a dog at the moment
1393s but uh yeah yeah I Can
1397s Dream honestly it's it is hard it is it
1401s is hard having a dog I won't lie it's
1403s not the the easiest um it is like having
1406s a child um and it's
1410s the the one I suppose the one thing good
1411s thing about having a dog is uh you don't
1414s have to deal with the the the the con
1417s the consistent temper not temper
1419s tantrums but I
1421s suppose I don't know like have you got
1423s dog have you got a dog um either you oh
1426s yeah you've got a dog right but you've
1427s got You' do you have kids Lily no no
1431s kids no um but it's the how old is how
1436s old is your how old is your turn um how
1438s old your your dog son he's going up to
1441s two years now so he's still got a lot of
1443s puppy energy left
1445s he's so Yoshi's just turned modi's just
1448s turned two um but yeah you can
1450s appreciate the the incessant energy just
1455s consistent energy just up and down
1456s constantly wanting play not giving you a
1459s rest it is it is quite a lot it is quite
1461s a
1462s lot uh but yeah if you do what a dog it
1466s is a commitment a dog is for life not
1468s for just for Christmas is that what
1470s the're saying is
1472s absolutely uh right what else should I
1474s give out what else should I give out um
1479s black party
1481s hats
1483s ni triggered
1487s triggered
1489s uh I will no I'm just giving out striet
1492s waffles I'm going to do I want to do oh
1496s there's a little Christmas event here I
1497s wonder what this does
1499s I guess we'll find out later uh for one
1501s of our little seasonal events um but no
1504s I'll do a little where's some tea
1506s where's the tea I'll give out some tea
1508s and let's move to the next place the
1511s next place going up the next place is
1515s the park and
1517s fador oh
1519s nice as a what the party near the the
1522s party room yes I was thinking because we
1525s we let's see it's only 25 past at the
1527s moment and we've got Fair bit of time we
1529s might want to have some things in the
1532s park and maybe go and have a dance in
1533s the party room or both or see someone
1537s just got an achievement for the waffles
1539s yay oh y well done I will keep giving
1543s out the waffles hopefully everyone will
1544s get their their waffle
1546s achievement her in the parade now as
1549s well your foe from yesterday oh yes it
1554s is oh BFF update for Herod I managed to
1559s get the animated drum kit uh the
1561s drumsticks this morning two goes it took
1563s me two tries and I wow and I got the the
1567s drum kit um a congratulations got the
1570s sticks instantly and I was like yes
1572s still not a plate didn't get a play but
1575s it's fine uh how many how many kills how
1579s many kills did you take to get the drum
1580s sticks oh just two it only took me two
1582s two kills uh to get it I had like 30 I
1586s think I that would have been 35 kills
1588s all together
1590s um I can't I think I was I can't
1591s remember what the maximum is but I hit
1594s the maximum before you get it yeah I was
1597s really angry with him oh no how I was
1600s like not this again I don't want to do
1601s it again how many how long did it take
1604s you H quite a while I can't remember
1607s what is can anyone remember what the the
1609s maximum amount of kills is before you
1611s actually get it oh no is it like is over
1614s 100 is 100 is it oh my God it's a lot
1618s anyway it was pain it sounds it that
1620s doesn't sound fun but no yeah I got it
1623s in in 30 35 all together um I would
1628s check but I'm on my I'm on this account
1630s I can't check on my P account I'm pretty
1633s sure it's like 35 uh or 33 and I got the
1637s the drum the drumsticks so actually
1639s getting um getting the plates from him
1641s can be quite difficult as well well
1643s doesn't like to pass them out not for
1645s Crystal Kenna or red Wigan you can ask
1647s them yesterday tell them how how many
1651s they got I think it was like 16 between
1653s them all they managed to get in one
1657s hour 16 I hope you're
1662s watching I hope you're having that is
1664s quite something yeah I was not happy but
1667s it's fine it's fine I got the XP and I
1670s got two Talent points out of it so uh
1673s some silver lining I
1677s suppose and
1679s more
1682s more are you going to go for the plates
1685s afterwards to try and continue the
1687s upgrades uh say again are you going to
1690s go for the plates from Herod afterwards
1692s so that you can continue the upgrades
1694s for the armor up I think so yeah cuz I
1695s need to get uh the power I need to get
1698s the power suit for one of the events
1702s that were one of the pbms we're doing um
1704s in January I don't know I can't remember
1706s which boss we're doing but apparently I
1708s need the tier 80 uh Power Armor and I've
1713s not started on it yet I'm
1715s sorry had time really haven't had time
1718s um but I've got my no is it is it power
1722s you got power and then you got the tank
1724s right so the power is the green one and
1727s then the tank is the bluish one yeah
1729s yeah yeah yeah so I've got my my uh tank
1732s one up to I've got three pieces on tier
1736s 18 and I've got four more to do
1739s uh to get to tier 80 but yeah I need to
1741s get I need to go back to God Wars
1743s dungeon need to collect some stuff uh
1745s cuz I need to get in Greater insult bar
1748s greater insult cloth uh and get that
1750s done see I'm learning I'm learning um
1753s try to do it the hard way you're doing
1755s really well yeah this six months ago I
1757s have no idea what you're
1760s saying yeah when necromancy first came
1762s out and things I mean like I sort of
1764s like rushed a lot of it at the very
1767s beginning um and it is quite complicated
1770s skill there's a lot of you know a lot of
1772s things to remember a lot of new things
1774s to learn a lot of uh a lot of tasks to
1778s make your armor and other things and
1781s it's a lot really it's great it's really
1783s complicated but it's it's very um it's
1786s quite satisfying as well it is it
1788s definitely definitely is oh my goodness
1791s there's a chant
1793s frago yay with all the lights around him
1795s that's cute it's fantastic
1799s yeah I always think it looks terribly
1801s bare afterwards when all the nice
1802s christas decorations are down in January
1804s and yeah you really get used to them you
1807s do I'm going to be yeah I'm going to be
1809s quite sad when I don't when I don't see
1811s them it does get quite depressing I
1813s suppose it's one of those things where
1815s you get so used to the lights and
1817s because of all the colors and then when
1818s it's all down it's just like this gray
1822s yeah it's just over everything I suppose
1824s it's it's not just like a I think
1825s seasonal depression is is a real thing
1827s and I think
1829s I would say so I'm sure I suffer from
1831s that a bit actually in the winter
1833s definitely yeah yeah yeah for sure and
1836s one of the things I love at the moment
1837s is having my Christmas tree up and just
1840s the the lovely lights and everything
1841s that come from it it just makes your
1843s room so cozy and so yeah it's a lovely
1846s feeling sit with the fire and the tree
1849s and the for sure speaking of Christmas
1853s christmy meals and stuff I think I asked
1855s this did I ask you guys this or was it
1858s someone else on the stream I can't
1859s remember on another day but I said if
1862s you were oh no this was to mod Luma and
1866s um uh
1868s mod oh my goodness two the two J mods
1872s that came on with me um oh my goodness
1874s it will come to me or come to me you're
1876s in trouble if you can't remember no if
1879s you were to have if you were to have um
1882s your Christmas dinner at your house who
1885s would be your top four NPCs of RuneScape
1890s that you would invite who would be your
1891s ideal CR come
1893s on your chismas dream dream dinner
1897s dinner team who would it be who would
1899s you choose I can't even think put you on
1903s the SM put you on the SM taable of rever
1905s yeah you
1905s [Laughter]
1909s did um right okay chat chat amongst
1912s yourselves while I
1914s think do you know on top of your head
1916s side I will give you five minutes
1919s I'm quite happy just saying a line and
1922s then letting everyone else talk for the
1924s rest of the dinners so I feel like if
1925s you bought four of the Gods along they
1927s could argue among themselves for hours
1929s and keep
1930s the that's a nice answer Max I don't
1933s think I can up that that good that good
1937s I respect
1939s that um we're in World 11 we're in World
1944s 11 let me let me try and see if I we I'm
1948s going to update the title I'm going to
1950s update the title uh so people can see
1955s it I think um mod Ry guy post pinned a
1959s comment in the chat as well Crystal no
1961s yeah I've seen that people are people
1963s are still wondering so I'm just going to
1964s update the title so at least people can
1967s make it as obvious as possible and we
1969s are in fador so come join us in fador uh
1972s we are in the little
1973s park and I believe we are going to move
1977s yeah
1979s I think is a good one are we about
1980s halfway where are we now on the
1982s map yeah we're yeah we're about halfway
1985s to
1988s nice double
1993s check I saw there for a minute he's
2001s vanished oh yeah there you go phos fosas
2005s oh I suppose that's a more glowing
2007s version
2009s hav seen that oh that's
2012s cool not just glowing over here we've
2016s missed we've missed um oh no we've
2020s missed oh no what's it what's it called
2023s don't tell me don't tell me don't tell
2024s me what we missed we miss miss Remington
2027s we've missed Remington yeah well we can
2031s go to Remington should we go to
2032s Remington and then back up to come on
2035s let's go tot we're going to go to
2037s Remington
2039s after that we're to the portal nice open
2041s space yes we'll go we'll go do that and
2044s then nobody misses Remington exactly we
2046s have to right I'm going to start walking
2049s slowly slowly I wonder if the pink witch
2053s has got a Santa hat on that would be
2055s cool pink
2056s Santa who you know the pink witch in rem
2060s Remington we went to
2063s Halloween that would been cool
2069s some great outfits here it's actually we
2071s can just go out to the bottom of um
2073s valador and go along yeah it's not too
2076s far away yeah exactly how did we miss
2078s that oh my goodness I don't know I don't
2081s know I have the map open as well right
2084s next to me didn't even think I've got
2087s the list but don't tell anybody I
2089s haven't put it on the list oh no there
2092s you go yeah well I quickly SC down
2095s before the before the stream I quickly
2098s noted down what I thought were all of
2100s the actual uh places but I omitted it by
2104s accident
2106s nice I've only just noticed as well um
2111s someone mentioned uh about achievements
2114s and embarrassingly enough I've still not
2117s done as many achievements as I should do
2120s um I have moments where I like will go
2123s through some of the areas and uh check
2125s the achievements and be like ah these
2127s are cool perks like do I want to spend a
2129s bit of time and try to unlock this I
2131s think the last one I did was the
2133s Wilderness one um mhm but I've not done
2137s yeah I've not done I've only got the
2138s sword I've only got the the level one
2140s tier one for Wilderness but like I want
2142s to do some more combat stuff cuz I know
2144s there's some cool packs you can get with
2146s that but I've just checked and it does
2148s go up to master for RuneScape yeah so um
2151s yeah so we've got beginner
2154s medium is it their Master than Elite no
2158s is that it imagine yeah that's it so
2161s it's I need to I need to get that up
2163s because I you get some really good perks
2165s with all this stuff like I just yeah I'm
2169s I'm quite clueless when it comes to
2170s these things I'm just trying to like get
2172s through the game as like quick as
2174s possible just to try and catch up with
2175s people but I'm like skipping all the
2177s good stuff uh that like it comes down to
2181s time as well what you know if you've got
2183s time to to do all the extra bits and
2185s pieces and yeah that's true um yeah I I
2189s probably could do with doing some more
2190s achievements I've done I mean I fear a
2192s lot and some of them you just get along
2193s the way when you're doing stuff which is
2195s always really nice that's true going out
2197s of your way to do it that is
2199s true yeah that's the problem right it's
2203s it's the it's the time it's the time to
2206s do them because it's you do want to try
2208s and get through like the game as quick
2210s as possible but I suppose like did you
2213s for both of you I'm I assuming you're
2215s both maxed right yeah yeah a Lily's full
2219s Max Max XP so like do you did you did
2222s you go through all the quests first or
2224s did you do like and then achievements
2227s after or did you sort of just finish the
2230s game and then did like all the other
2231s stuff after what was your
2234s process sort of a mish mash back and
2238s forth whatever I felt like doing at the
2241s time if a new Quest came out and that I
2243s think a lot of the newer ones that have
2244s released have been really interesting
2246s and I like joining in on the hyp
2248s on the day finding out you know where
2251s needs where you need to go what items
2253s you need and how to complete that and
2255s what achievements are like follow on
2258s from completing the quest and then in
2260s between times catching up on Skilling
2262s and making sure that i' got the levels
2264s to do the new quests as they're coming
2268s out yeah I think for me it was pretty
2270s much the same I um I remember at one
2272s point I hadn't done very many quests I'd
2275s got the Max Cape and I was working
2276s towards the completionist cape right and
2278s I I needed to get all the quests
2280s finished and I remember sort of like
2282s spending you know a period of a week or
2285s two weeks just whenever I had time going
2288s through all those quests finishing
2289s everything off and um before then I was
2292s probably a bit more hap Hazard I didn't
2294s really have a plan just was kind of
2296s exploring the game and you know enjoying
2298s the different things as they came along
2300s do you remember when you both
2303s maxed car oh I mean yours L was only
2306s what recently right it was in jary last
2308s year you said I no that was that was um
2311s when I got 5.8 Bill XP Max my XP oh I
2314s see I see so yeah so that's different to
2317s like obviously your max cap but I think
2319s I mean I've played for almost 15 years
2322s and I think I probably got my Max Cape
2325s oh well I can't know I can't count back
2327s what year that would be but probably um
2331s probably within about a year or a year
2333s and a half or something of wow starting
2336s but I mean at that at that stage I think
2338s things were a bit more difficult to to
2341s do you know there weren't there weren't
2343s the improvements that there are now
2345s there weren't the kind of you know the
2346s helps and things so either that or I was
2349s just you know really slow at it but it
2351s took me a while I couldn't remember when
2355s I maxed but I know my first 99 was
2357s Hunter and then my second was magic
2359s because I used to love doing CH Chin
2362s chong nice yeah mine was wood cutting
2365s and I sold I was really stupidly should
2368s have kept my wood for Fletching and
2369s things but I sold it and bought a gnome
2371s scarf
2373s instead I was into fashioncape even back
2376s then
2377s yeah I still got the same gnome scarf
2380s actually
2381s amazing yeah I'm wearing it today where
2385s are you Lily actually I can't I can't
2387s see you where are you uh I don't know
2389s I'm going step out here I don't know I'm
2391s here I'm up the top beside the house
2394s portal oh you're by the house portal
2397s okay yeah I'm wearing this this new
2399s outfit that came out the um winter
2402s winter sports outfit are you're right in
2404s front of the house I am wearing the top
2406s of that it's so cute it's such a lovely
2408s outfit a big fluffy collar and things
2410s and I I still can't see
2413s you where can I stand where you can see
2415s me there's a lot of people loaded in
2417s there are so many people yeah I know
2420s where did all these people come from
2421s like wait a minute right I'm go up I'm
2422s going to go up to the very front oh
2425s we're going to
2426s be people are following me so everywhere
2428s I go people are just going to
2429s automatically follow
2431s me we'll find you in I can see it oh you
2435s can yeah right by the time oh
2438s no here comes the mob I'm getting mobbed
2442s here I can't see I can't say let's try
2444s in the Christmas Village it might be I'm
2446s going to say easier yes probably not
2448s give me a spot to stand on in the
2450s Christmas Village and I and I'll do that
2452s cool right let's let's head to beop and
2456s then go to the portal we can jump in
2460s yeah
2466s yeah I'm looking forward to next year's
2469s uh next year's streams we've got quite a
2471s few lined up uh already so I'm looking
2475s forward to doing some new things uh
2478s dunge engineering we've got clue chases
2480s we're going to do some Clues as well I
2481s hope um a good bunch of fun stuff if
2485s there's any suggestions on
2488s uh ideas for streams that chat you would
2492s like to see as well do uh write them
2494s down or send them to us because always
2497s looking for new experiences in RuneScape
2500s for
2501s sure yeah pop them in the RuneScape
2504s Discord server and we can yes add those
2506s to the list of potential
2508s events what was he going to say Lily
2511s sorry I forgot now
2514s actually oh yeah I know what I was going
2516s to say well I was talking about gnome
2518s scarfs made me think about fashioncape a
2520s bit and um I don't know I just oh I
2524s disconnected wait a minute I've
2526s disconnected from the train
2529s uhoh I it become a bit can't talk and
2532s walk at the same
2533s time to walk and talk it's
2536s dangerous yeah no I just just going to
2539s say I think there have been some lovely
2541s rewards this year from various aspects
2543s you know of the Christmas Village and
2545s the some of the treasure hunter promo
2547s and things and I saw somebody with the
2550s Aurora I can't say this now Aurora
2553s Aura Aurora a yes Aurora
2557s AA um the other day and it just looked
2560s so wonderful just to see
2562s that behind them yeah yeah it's gor is
2565s it there's that and my next favorite
2567s thing is the hot chocolate rest
2569s animation yeah I just think that's so
2572s cute really adorable so so good honestly
2576s obsessed
2578s so there's that and uh oh my favorite
2581s item it's not the pink Santa hat fly
2584s enough it's the um reindeer ear muffs oh
2588s the yes the ones I have they're called
2591s they're called the Oxfam Oxfam ear U
2594s reindeer head oh not those ones but I do
2596s actually have those ones as well the
2598s ones from the event I've got the oxam
2600s ones too yeah is there another one I
2603s didn't know there was two yeah Co cozy
2606s ear muffs airs oh yeah yeah I've got the
2608s uffs I've got the airs you get all the
2610s varieties different varieties yeah ones
2613s are the cutest yeah
2615s definitely I think I've got yeah I've
2617s got the gods I've got all the gods but
2619s I'm not sure about the the reindeer ones
2621s I'm not sure IFL those ones
2623s yet the the Easter outfits were really
2626s nice as well oh yeah they were the
2629s Easter outfits yes I've not been here
2632s for Easter yet so I'm looking forward to
2634s experiencing Easter for sure the the
2636s Easter as well was absolutely gorgeous
2640s yeah blooming barel just all pink all
2643s pink and
2647s gorgeous lovely too yeah going in
2651s streaming stream chat apologies for the
2654s lag on this it's not your computer which
2657s makes this look lagy it's the am of
2660s people
2661s joined there's so many it's a stress
2664s test it is really there are so many
2667s people we're going in we're going
2670s in there are a couple of people
2673s bewildered by the like immediate arrival
2676s of two three 400 people when they were
2679s just toddling around players probably as
2681s well oh my goodness yeah be shocked
2684s actually I can't see the portal there's
2686s so many
2687s uh so many people change
2690s sure go to snowla oh here we go snow
2695s yeah snowla oh that's so cute love that
2698s yeah he's great he's awesome I want a
2701s plushy of snow
2702s lag yeah push for that for next
2706s Christmas let's get the plushies I want
2708s the plushies speaking of the plushies I
2710s love plushies got this
2713s one I have who who else do I have yeah
2718s I've got I've got
2719s Zar I
2722s have
2724s uh I've got
2726s gothics and
2728s and very cute I think this one's been
2731s the favorite one so far for a lot of lot
2733s of players we got armad arm cute cute
2737s they all come with their little God
2738s books as well which is so cute um and of
2741s course and of course my favorite zamy
2744s zami zami
2746s zamy did you get the zamy ear muffs I
2749s have not got the zamy ear muffs I may
2751s ask for them
2753s um but if you do if you do want them um
2758s I think I was I I plugged it last time
2761s we were on a stream
2763s but the pre-orders for these are ending
2767s like the beginning week of January and
2771s they are basically not making any more
2773s of them so if you do want one um I'll
2778s post it I'll post it in the chat just
2782s because they're gorgeous and if you
2784s don't get them like now then uh yeah
2789s they basically won't be made anymore so
2792s these will be like basically limited
2794s edition uh pluses
2796s so go out and get one and then you will
2798s get it in the new
2801s year uh before they're gone yes yes yes
2805s yes it's lovely to actually see them to
2807s you know to them in real previe oh by
2811s the way if you if you want to see my
2813s outfit I am standing on the bridge oh
2815s yes where are you on the the what I'm on
2817s the bridge on the bridge I thought you
2819s said the fridge I was like excuse me
2822s don't tell everyone I'm standing on the
2824s fridge there's a fridge in the in the
2827s what I'm so short I need to stand on the
2829s fridge to reach my desk right okay I've
2833s like zoomed right in I'm trying to find
2835s you that was probably not a great idea
2837s to say I'm standing on the bridge cuz
2838s now there's about 5,000 other people
2840s standing see penguin I can
2843s see where can you see yourself I can't
2846s see you oh my goodness tell you what I'm
2849s going to run up the top here into the C
2853s oh my goodness uh I'm seeing I'm trying
2855s to see as many people as I can right I'm
2858s going to go give us a wave I'm going to
2860s go outside Santa's
2862s house right okay after all this you'll
2864s see gosh that's not a very exciting
2866s outfit that's not going to make everyone
2868s run to Santo's
2869s Lodge do you mean the
2871s lodge yes they're they're all standing
2874s on to of
2877s we're all coming to see you Lily rure is
2880s coming up as well oh my
2883s goodness oh my goodness that
2886s is we will find Lily we have to find
2890s Lily I
2893s don't secr CER are you are you standing
2897s in front of the
2899s mailbox I I'm standing to the left of
2903s the mailbox about four down four wait
2906s wait wait right I'm going stand beside
2907s Santa's s now on the other side stop
2910s moving right I'm beside Santa
2913s s you're by Santa slay okay I'm going to
2916s move slightly oh no somebody else just
2919s walked on top of
2921s me stop moving Lily we need to see L's
2925s outfits I'm going to have to I'm going
2927s to have to type it to
2929s you and then it will show on stream this
2932s is giving it's giving Instagram is down
2934s just just type what you can see
2940s uh what What's the outfit you're
2944s wearing um I'm wearing the reindeer ear
2947s Ms and my gnome scarf from all those
2949s years ago and I'm wearing the um the top
2954s the the nice jacket from the winter
2956s sports
2957s outfit and the bottoms are from an old
2960s Christmas outfit called Glad Tidings
2962s it's little cute skirt and stripy
2965s leggings cute
2967s and my feet are tur off boots which is a
2971s drop from tur offs I think I've had them
2975s for years and keep S as well but they
2977s look like kind of ug boots with spiky
2979s bits on
2980s them but they are quite
2982s cute everyone is like changing outfits
2985s what is
2988s happening my on there it is there's my
2992s mouse my literally my cursor is I can't
2995s even see where my cursor is because
2996s there so many
2998s people I know why are people doing this
3001s stop with the outfit changes we can't
3003s see anything fashionscape challenge it
3006s is you know what it is let's try and get
3010s let's try and get a group picture uh if
3012s we can where is a should we do it in
3015s front of the lodge we could do yeah I
3017s think that cute uh I had an idea I don't
3019s know if it'll work or not but I think if
3021s we if we all put on if we if all of us
3024s who have a sitting rest or if we have
3026s the hot chocolate rest if we sat down
3029s together with a hot chocolate rest it
3031s would make a lovely picture but I think
3032s it might be a bit too difficult to
3034s organize with so any Fork but you never
3036s know you never know I'm going to stand
3038s I'm going to stand here on this
3041s corner uh uh if the other J mod can hear
3045s me whoever is in I'm going to free cam
3049s now and try to if you
3053s can
3055s move uh away so to the other side to the
3059s left side of me so we've got opposite
3062s corner opposite corner is which corner
3065s are you are you I'm by I'm by the big
3067s christas pole and by the bank chest oh I
3071s see I see yeah so I've I've moved out
3074s I've moved
3075s out mod Mickey has headed over to the
3078s opposite
3080s corner turning around I'm trying to find
3083s a space just to sit down but uh it's bit
3086s tricky so you can see the camera now if
3090s you can see yourself spread out uh along
3094s the across see all the changing the
3096s other side you can see everyone's pets
3099s this is the funny thing so I know people
3101s are there because their pets are all
3102s just stood still which means that
3104s they're obviously there right um ideally
3106s dismiss pets so that more should dismiss
3109s pets because I think they kind of stand
3110s on top of people as well yes that's
3113s right if you do have your pets please
3114s dismiss them just so that you are
3116s basically placed with your pet so you
3119s can be seen and not your pet I'm not
3121s sure that you would want that um or
3123s maybe you want your pet to be seen we
3126s don't care
3128s um let's see let's see is is the other J
3133s mod can you see the other J mod am I got
3136s Mickey and Luma here from what I oh yeah
3139s um I can't see oh there snow like
3143s patrolling back and forth every
3149s okay I am going to sit down with my hot
3151s chocolate
3152s rest except oh yeah I can see myself
3155s I've got again oh Dam it yeah keep
3157s moving until okay you're there you're
3159s visible and turn stop yes don't move no
3163s oh
3164s gone I think people are going to try and
3166s stand on top of them as
3170s well the good thing is we are going to
3172s be recording this so on camera this is
3175s going to look hilarious
3178s because it's just going to be seeing
3179s everyone moving around uh yes no jods
3183s haven't left we are still
3185s here you will be doing we will be doing
3188s Letts and Waffles don't worry at the
3190s moment we're just trying to get a nice
3191s group picture together I feel like that
3194s is going to be quite impossible with the
3195s amount of people we are yes don't move y
3201s ah uh dismiss your
3203s pets yay there you go grab it quick
3206s someone take the
3209s uh oh I was not prepared for this I am
3213s now
3215s quick
3219s and yay okay I got one I got one I'm
3222s just going to keep going I got a couple
3224s just in case yay thank
3228s you very
3232s chess I'm going to move a little closer
3235s just so once I haven't one maybe I
3237s should
3239s try I'm just taking screenshots of the
3242s stream yeah thank you how are you I'm
3246s trying to get as many pictures as I can
3248s but yes if you can hear me and you are
3250s in the world dismissing your pet will
3253s make you appear or make others appear as
3255s well so um please do let's try and get
3260s another angle this is going so wow
3262s someone's selling Christmas wishes for
3264s the low low price of one bill how sweet
3267s oh how
3272s Charming oh that's cool changing boxes
3276s again oh yeah that's
3282s nice I currently sitting on yub's foot
3285s that's not me I'm I'm the other
3289s one oh that's ho ho I have be too busy
3292s chattering to take any screenshots so I
3294s hope some other people have got some uh
3297s if you can see that on the stream bottom
3299s left uh please don't look or try to move
3301s them cuz that is quite an unfortunate
3304s [Laughter]
3308s angle oh my
3311s God translucent polar
3314s bear that poor polar bear what has he
3317s done to you to deserve this treatment my
3321s goodness po my goodness oh I can see in
3325s the forr as well just on the right side
3327s of the frame there the troll there is
3329s mod Luma oh where on the right on right
3332s side just behind that spinning Christmas
3333s tree
3335s oh yeah there you go oh that dragon
3338s is now yeah hopefully I got
3343s that
3345s nice I love the pose snow like does as
3347s well is giving proper
3352s posing the Christmas emotes are great as
3354s well
3357s let's see let's
3359s see should I do oh am I oh God it will
3362s that break it maybe we'll see let's
3368s try let's try another
3380s one let's go let's see if verago can fit
3384s in
3385s this not sure he can but we'll give it a
3391s go no harm in trying I'm finding in free
3395s cam anyway that people are kind of
3396s popping in and out of the picture so
3398s there's obviously a lot more people than
3399s I can actually capture at the moment
3402s that is
3404s true yeah if if I tried to go to like
3406s areas like here it's I'm just getting
3408s pets like that's actually quite cute
3410s because all you're getting is like the
3411s little pets oh that is very
3414s cute pet center it's like like the kid
3417s section over on the side the little
3419s cats slow down I'm just trying to slow
3421s this
3431s down uh take a picture of that cuz
3434s that's adorable oh that's really
3438s sweet oh look at that big creepy dog
3442s though sorry no dogs are creepy no dogs
3446s are creepy all dogs are wonderful
3451s creatures uh it's not a dog don't worry
3454s not a dog yes
3456s exactly uh let's see can we get one a
3460s little higher
3467s up trying to fit more people in it's
3470s just another happening it's so hard ah
3473s yes damn it fre it's really hard
3479s z a so close I almost got Zach I got
3483s Zach and verago besides one another oh
3485s did you nice I'm trying to wait until he
3488s comes in again and then quickly grab it
3492s yes yay I got us both
3499s woo my next mission on this is to try
3502s and increase the amount of people we can
3505s fit onto one screen because if we can
3507s would be
3510s amazing um right before we wrap up is
3513s there anything you both would like to
3514s plug before we
3517s go uh I don't think so I think because
3519s that's kind of the end of our our season
3522s events and things I I just like to wish
3524s everybody well well actually there are
3527s some things because there's the 12 Days
3529s of Christmas which is still going on
3531s that's right
3534s um which is I see of Boss events mainly
3538s I think you can find out more
3539s information about that in the RuneScape
3542s Discord um I'm trying to think what else
3546s um max can you think of anything else
3550s off the top of my head I'm sure there
3551s are plenty other things just
3555s checking let's see
3558s December we've
3562s got um yeah a few more you've got the
3565s calendar up well done
3567s yeah and then the uh like you said those
3571s bossing events quite a few different
3573s ones you
3575s got
3577s cor next aod hard mode verago and then
3582s all the Penguins still going on and
3584s affiliate events going on so definitely
3587s jump into the Discord server and see
3589s what events are going on while you've
3590s got some time off this exactly yeah if
3593s you are looking for something to do the
3595s runes skip Unity is still going strong
3597s stuff going on every day uh which is
3601s awesome I will be logging in um probably
3605s on my phone and to to play but I will
3608s try and join when I can
3610s uh cuz I've got to get my dailies I'm
3614s obsessed with my dailies and to get your
3616s the Advent calendar get your nice
3617s entries make sure you get your nice
3619s entries as well so yeah yes
3622s definitely we live in Hope exactly
3625s exactly right
3627s yeah uh but also we get more pajamas
3630s too that is true that is true and then
3633s fingers crossed for a pink pink uh Canta
3636s hat mhm I will get one I will get one
3639s and if not one at least a black uh party
3641s hat I want a party hat I want one
3644s manifesting yes and I'm not going to
3646s code it to myself as someone said cuz
3648s I'm not doing that I'm doing it the hard
3649s way the grind trying to do it the hard
3652s way right thank you all for joining us
3656s it has been wonderful having you all
3659s join us Lily Son thank you both for such
3663s an amazing event and parade Merry
3665s Christmas to you both have you had a
3666s good time absolutely yeah yeah yeah I've
3669s had a really fun time thank you very
3671s much good good good good good for lovely
3674s end of the year exactly exactly uh but
3678s yes this is our last stream of the Year
3681s apologies I'm sorry but uh we are going
3684s to be celebrating Christmas and New Year
3686s very very soon the office isn't closed
3688s we are still open other than obviously
3690s Christmas and New Year um so we are
3692s remaining open uh so people will still
3694s be here to help you if we needed and
3697s yeah we are looking forward to a new
3700s year where we've got many new updates
3702s coming new things coming and fresh jods
3708s who are on a
3710s burnout but yes we'll be much more
3712s relaxed after the new year uh and we
3714s can't wait to come back and give you all
3716s the new goodie stuff um we are about to
3720s do a raid we are while I do this
3725s quickly I'm going
3727s to I'm
3729s still quite slow at
3732s it um where are you we are going to raid
3738s wazzy wazzy is doing the group Iron Man
3741s at the moment uh so go and join them um
3745s going give them some love go and support
3747s them go and support our creators uh
3750s thank you for joining us and we can't
3752s wait to see you in the year but from us
3754s Merry Christmas happy holidays and happy
3757s New Year we'll see you soon yeah
3760s goodbye bye bye