10 months ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s for the last couple of days I have
2s through lovely invitation from jagex
4s been playing the newest skill to come to
7s RuneScape the latest combat skill in
9s many years necromancing I've been
12s sitting down with it and really getting
13s to grips with how necromancy Works how
15s you introduced to it how it starts and
17s how it will affect the rest of the game
19s moving forward I've been trying to
21s explore every part of the game from
23s early quests to Mid game bosses to the
26s final high level raids and seeing how
27s necromancy fits within that because
29s RuneScape has had a combat triangle for
31s many many years and I was thinking
33s necromancy does that mean it now has a
35s combat Square
37s but no necromancy something a little bit
39s different to everything we've got so far
40s and yet somehow enhances all of them and
43s yet stands alone remarkably well and
45s I've been trying to break it