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about 6 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Originally posted by younglinkgcn


about 6 years ago - /u/JagexPi - Direct link

Originally posted by Wake1

This dont seem right, it is a lot harder to move around now while in combat, ive noticed my character dont wanna move even if im spam clicking. Think of it sort of like aftershock going off constantly.

Hmm, that's odd, the change actively removed interruptions so it's rather odd that it would add more. You should see a significant difference in the amount of animations you see play out now due to them no longer being interrupted but mechanically you shouldn't be forced to turn and face the opponent as much any more (still have to fix crackling/aftershock).

Can you inbox me your RSN so we can have our QA department give it a go with your loadout?

about 6 years ago - /u/JagexPi - Direct link

Originally posted by Wake1

will do, also is it supposed to be that barge does not give adren when entering combat? or already in combat?

E:So anytime an animation is done - you cannot move until it is done. THis is what i have now found out if this helps any. everything else is great just so you know, i guess im just confused to what its doing but yeah i guess it just freezes when an animation is going off and needs to finish

another E: slaughter seems to be the only ability were it does it the most, since before you could move intanlty while it was going off, and now you cant really untill the animation is fully done.

Just tried barge against the combat dummies on a live server to initiate combat both queueing and via the book and it gave me 8% adrenaline.

about 6 years ago - /u/JagexPi - Direct link

Originally posted by Wake1

will do, also is it supposed to be that barge does not give adren when entering combat? or already in combat?

E:So anytime an animation is done - you cannot move until it is done. THis is what i have now found out if this helps any. everything else is great just so you know, i guess im just confused to what its doing but yeah i guess it just freezes when an animation is going off and needs to finish

another E: slaughter seems to be the only ability were it does it the most, since before you could move intanlty while it was going off, and now you cant really untill the animation is fully done.

We've found something with slaughter so we have something to poke at, seems to be queueing related though, if I do it without queueing I can walk graador fine.

about 6 years ago - /u/JagexPi - Direct link

Originally posted by Wistrum


if you queue an ability instantly after using concentrated blast, the queued ability will not go off until concentrated blast completes its full 3 hit channel. This happens on revolution. This can kill you if you queue freedom after conc blast to clear bleeds at vorago because freedom doesnt trigger!

This has been picked up by another dev as I'm swamped atm. So hopefully it will be dealt with soon <3