almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

The Abyssal Whip retro cosmetic is here! Plus, some niche changes for the 'pure' among you…

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almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

The Abyssal Whip retro cosmetic is here! Plus, some niche changes for the 'pure' among you…

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almost 2 years ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Originally posted by Tkf530

What the duck have you guys planned for April Fool's?

almost 2 years ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by Bradas128

so if i already reset defence on my account do i need to wait 6 months from now to reset it or can i do it after the week wait time?

The 180 day cooldown started when you used a major Defence reset, so if that time has elapsed, or when it does, you can request another 7 day wait for a major/ minor reset.

As you've already used a Defence major reset, you won't be able to request a Constitution & Prayer reset as the major resets weren't intended to stack when created as one reset per account.

almost 2 years ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by Kitteh6660


Also, can we get an option to PERMANENTLY disable skill resets? As a safeguard against compromised account having XP reset.

There used to be that option, but as players wanted to be able to use features added since they made that decision, I removed it at their request.

In exchange, Nastroth now requires a bank pin to request or activate a reset, and you have to return to Nastroth after at least 7 days to activate a reset, doubling as safeguards against compromised accounts.

almost 2 years ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by RsBugsAndGlitches

One of the best updates since forever! I know a lot of pures that are extremely happy with this update but I know it's not really inclusive to some of the other pures that I know. Was chatting with them talking about it and some of them were sad that hp cannot be blocked. [Imgur]( [Imgur]( [Imgur]( Some of the chats and their pure build over here. [Imgur]( So I came up with an idea that will be inclusive to those that are left out. How about being able to toggle block xp after at like level 30-50 hp? That way the ones that were left out are included.

If it were up to me, you'd be able to block everything and reset skills at any level as as often as you like.

The limits and restrictions are in place due to months of debate from a wide variety of pures, trying to find an acceptable compromise between a vast array of self-imposed restrictions.

As much as I'd like to make everyone happy, as long as there are restrictions, there'll be some players that don't fit into them, and the opportunity to discuss and modify the rules has been and gone.

As much as I see your logic in blocking Constitution XP from combat if you exceed the threshold where 10hp pures care deeply about maintaining this particular challenge, your associate is going to have to live with the current exception for Constitution.