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I have all but confirmed Aggro pots are no longer acting as they used to. Before, when you'd drink a dose of aggro pot, every monster in a large space(17x17 according to wiki) would aggro and attempt to attack you simultaneously. Since the Unwelcomed Guest update however, there is a slight delay between them being able to take aggro. This makes aggro pots demonstrably weaker than before as most of the mobs the playerbase uses aggro pots for have low hp and will be dwindled down by aoes before they even can benefit from the aggro pot.

Linked below are 2 short videos demonstrating the issue.

https://streamable.com/ddjpgj Main with fully upgraded fort forinthry

https://streamable.com/tn62gt Alt with no fort forinthry.

External link →
over 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Hey so one of the other devs is looking into this right now. Would anyone happen to have a video of everything in the room aggroing at once (pre-supposed nerf?)

We're trying to figure out if there is something actually going on, or just some weird mandala effect. As an example we've found this video from 2-3 years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuLDJeZS8vA at 0:33 the player pots up, and it seems to functionally appear the same as live - 1 thing aggro every 3 seconds.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link


I've just looked into this to see if I can find any cause of the issue - and as Sponge said before there have been no recent changes that we can see which would cause this effect. There does seem to be a misunderstanding in how the potion works so just to confirm the potion will aggro 1 mob every 3 seconds; it will not (and never has) aggro'd a whole area at once from what we can tell.

In both your videos above - you can see a new NPC being caught by the potion at each 3 second interval. The first is a bit more awkward to see as some NPCs are getting caught on the scenery, but the second video shows it clearly working as expected.

If you have any more info or could show it not working as mentioned above, please let us know so we can investigate more!

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by 5-x

Is it possible to check if aggro pots were changed at any point?

1 mob every 3 seconds feels weaker than it used to be.

I've gone all the way back to release and this number has never changed.