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Can we remove this 'entity' altogether? When you Examine it, absolutely nothing happens and nothing appears in the chat, and when you Bladed Dive by unfortunately clicking to it, it dives you right on the dinosaur, even though you dived 10 tiles away. This option only appears when you are inside the area, you cant seem to right-click the Creature area when you are outside of it.

Flaired it as a bug because honestly, it really feels like you shouldnt be able to Bladed dive to it, and the examine option doesnt do anything.

EDIT : By "removing it", I mean just make it not interactable, the rings are very useful otherwise, but them being interactable this way is very detrimental.


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7 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Hey, so just took a look at this and with current options available I'm unable to remove the op without causing other issues with BGH. However, I can make it so if you accidentally click the ring it just won't use the ability instead.

How does that feel as a solution for now?

Edit: This will be a temporary solution; I have another longer-term solution planned. However it requires some engine work first. Once done, I can remove this temporary fix and replace with the full version.

7 months ago - /u/JagexDaze - Direct link

Originally posted by electrofire1

Feels really bandaid but better than what we have rn atleast

Yeah, there is a longer term solution possible, but I can't guarantee when that would be as it requires engine work.