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VOD | Player Owned Farm Changes

  • The weapon diversity and bank improvements beta was supposed to go live this afternoon but we ran into an issue about an hour ago (~15:00 GT), we did fix it but it would've meant we launched at 16:00 GT and we'd all be going home in the next hour which isn't enough time to properly monitor the update as well as do any fixes in the event something breaks. We've pushed the beta release for tomorrow morning.
  • August month ahead will be out on Friday with Mod Obsorne.
  • Slayer master task weights.
    • We are looking at changing Laniakea's list to remove some of the least popular tasks which will make other tasks more common but we aren't looking to change the weightings.
  • Runefest merch available to buy for ticket holders.
  • Summer special membership ends 4 Aug.
  • Shauny thinks DG will be the last skill in the event while Osborne thinks it will be Agility. They have placed a bet of £20 and an apology on stream.

Player Owned Farm Changes

  • We are looking at changing how the nerf operates following feedback.
  • We put out the post at the harshest level we were willing to go with the nerf to see how much it needed to be toned down. Which is where most of the frustration came from.
  • We've seen what doesn't work, what the key sticking points are, and we've readjusted some of those numbers and the way some of them work.
  • We're currently playtesting the new iteration of nerfs internally as if players were playing it and we've already changed some of the new changes so we're not ready to announce any concrete numbers just yet.
  • One of the things we're looking into is changing some of the other factors around but increasing how much the XP is reduced by is a possibility - countering that by removing some of the other parts of the nerf.
  • We want to make the content feel the same.


Question Answer
Do you plan on adding more achievement capes unrelated to Comp? E.g. 120 Max Cape, 200M capes, Achievement/Runescore cape, Reaper cape etc? No plans at the moment to do any more achievement capes though the whole of the Comp cape rework meant that we can look at capes as a whole again as a viable reward space. I think you'll find that you'll at least see capes that have additional bonuses as drops. That's where we'll go with capes first. You'll also more updates coming out with achievements which was another main aim.
Any plans to complete the unfinished areas and story in the Arc? In all likelihood the next time you'd see more story is through a Ports expansion (and a very specific kind of Ports expansion where we explore under the water). We have the August annual survey coming out soon which will have 50-60 updates which we are excited about for players to vote on. Also will have other questions about stuff like 120s. Results will be at Runefest or livestreams just before.
Any plans for a new skill or a combat skill? The best time to announce a skill or talk about a skill is the couple of months before Runefest, we feel generally that's the best time to do it. We'll see.
Vorago, Araxxor, Solak, Telos origins quests? It's on the annual survey. With the survey we've pulled some things off because they've been polled so often like Rite of Passage. Origin of Vorago has been polled a couple of times so we're going to leave that off for now (it's actually completely written and a third of it completed and developed but that doesn't mean it has art assets or has been tested; it has a humorous tone to it which you don't really expect from Vorago). We have a nice idea for a Predator inspired quest where players and a team of Vampyres go into the lair of Araxxor for a reason which is on the survey. I can't remember if the Solak/Merethiel quest made the cut.
Any plans for game engine updates? The interest is definitely there but each of those individual jobs could be huge. NXT itself was around three and a bit years.
Graphical Reworks planned or being developed? The problem with Seers' village rework was that the environment artist who got halfway through the rework got taken to do Deep Sea Fishing, came back to the update to find out that we had raised the quality bar for environment work and that we'd also gotten new tools for doing it. We essentially would have to start from scratch. We do love graphical reworks and in the annual survey you'll see we have a way of making graphical reworks more valuable - the idea of a Varrock remaster. Varrock would be reworked but we make it explorable in the same way Anachronia is fun to explore. Varrock would be very familiar, the layout would be the same but there'd be doors, dungeons, people, quests, achievements, task sets, so many other things that make it like players are in a new place again. Varrock i've always seen as sprawling and multi-terraced, so I can imagine it going really high and we don't really do much of that but we can now. The idea of Karamja remastered is also in the survey.
Are you happy with the Comp cape rework considering you went in to overhaul the way it works? I don't think anyone is ever completely happy with an update. Whenever you open something up to various forms of feedback (not just players but also stakeholders and various things), as soon as you do that things might change and things did change in the end. The things I wanted top of the list was every update we produce to not be afraid to add requirements and achievements - and we got that so i'm super happy about that. And it's not the end of that story, like the capes in the first question we might revisit that.
When can we expect Solak changes with his HP scaling so we can do 5-man without being punished. Ramen mentioned it and i'm just wondering? He's working on it in his spare time but there's no official production or development on it. It's just about if he gets it done and gets a QAer to test it.
Can we get a Make-X for Smithing? Not technically possible.
Will we be getting a rare token or oddment store refresh anytime soon? The guys upstairs are working on oddment store so there's going to be some changes soon including changes to the shop stock but that's all we have at the moment.
Do we see adding object pets to the pet interface still on the table? Mod Mohawk added some during GameJam. It's not a high priority for us, it's definitely something the ninja team can keep chipping away at when they have time.
Any plans for workers on Anachronia once you have a fully upgraded base camp? Similar to Ports and ancient bones etc? A base camp expansion is on the annual survey. The resources could be used for things in the future but currently the plan is that your workers sit there and take a break once you have everything unlocked.
When can we expect a continuation of Desperate Times? The design has been written up, Mod Jack is doing the writing at the moment. It's in production. "We are going to be talking about the quest in both a - of actually we can't reveal - in two sessions at Runefest. Forgot we haven't actually revealed the schedule."
Any plans to improve the BGH XP rates since it's by far the most intensive training method for Hunter yet almost half the XP/h with perfect runs when compared to Ornate tortles? We're looking at everything to do with Land out of Time. Because it's recent content we're keeping an eye on things. There are no immediate plans to change the XP rate but that can change quickly.
Will we be getting a collection/drop log for BGH? No plans but we'll ask Mod Erator. Slayer drop log is on the annual survey though. The idea of a centralised collection log for everything sounds good.
Do we see ourselves going over the survey before or when it releases to explain each piece of content? The plan is to do a vlog at the same time.
Any plans to add things to the Hunter mark shop? Not in the immediate future but it is a place we can add things.
Can we get the Summer skill-off Dungeoneering hole permanently? No, that isn't how we intend Dungeoneering to be trained all the time - it's temporary content.
Any news on the Nipper demon pet? It needs a model and animations and then it can be released.
Character model rework? We can't underestimate just how big of a job it is. It's definitely a desire of ours.
Construction rework? There's a bit more detail about how we might do one in the annual survey. If there was any update that the team would want to do most it would be a Construction rework.
Was there a reason why we didn't do the Beach Summer Party again? I think we were getting to the point where we launched it a few years running and we hadn't really reworked it. We could relaunch it but we had other things on our plate with bank placeholders, weapon diversity etc. We could've relaunched it as is but the community would've called us out on copy-pasting content with no change, and rightly so. We were going to poll it: 'Would you accept the beach again if it had no work done to it?' but I feel like that is just shifting the blame to the community rather than taking the initiative so if we are going to do the beach again, which may well happen, we'd like to do something new with it.
Can we get totem drop chances? Yes, I told the Land out of Time team that they can reveal whatever drop rates they want.
Who is on the Skilling Council and what is their function? Their function is similar to the Combat Council which is that they are a collection of top skiller-focussed JMods who discuss changes to the game in relation to skilling. We discussed the POF nerf recently. Mods Timbo, Sova, Erator, Tomb, Maylea, 'Mod Weapon Diversity', and more. Raven stepped down to focus on the Lore Council.
Any changes to Stone spirits? There are some M&S changes in the works that will affect Stone spirits and their value. We're not removing them from drop tables, we intend on making their value go up.
Mobile news? iOS? Android full release? I saw it on an iOS device today so work is being done.
Can we get previous Christmas or Halloween event rewards from Lootscape like we had for previous Thanksgiving ones? No. It's a tetchy area, a lot of people do value them. Shauny is not a fan of giving people rewards for an event they did not partake in. We have in select periods selectively pulled out some of them but we don't want to make a wholesale thing of it.
Are we going to be freeing up display names again? No plans at the moment. It's not a fun process and with mobile, which is going to be reasonably big, a lot of players are going to be coming back for their accounts so it feels like an odd time to do it.
Any plans for a new end game boss? Wait until Runefest.
Laniakea's spear? We removed it from the Grand Exchange.
More examines on Anachronia? The issue with adding examines generally is that it all needs to be localised. That's what stops us getting so many in. I think the team were planning to do more.
Can you change the Grand Exchange limit of Silverhawk feathers from 250 to 1000? Yes.
Can we get HSR to work on all boss chests? Timbo: I don't know how to do it technically but someone else does and they were looking at doing it.
Is Mod Easty's Farming timer rework in development? He's done a bunch of work but the current work is not compatible with something I forget what it is. So it needs a bunch of work to fix it up. No immediate plans but it is something Easty's got on the backburner. It's not a small job, it also comes with other changes that Farming needs but is not player-facing.
Will Jagex ever release mounts? No. There are so many issues with mounts. If you can help solve the two biggest problems with mounts then we will. (i) The game has been designed for 1x1 characters which includes doors and agility courses; (ii) Run speed is the fastest the player character can go. What would a mount do, go at run speed? Or teleport a few squares. That's pretty much the only two options you've got. A lot of people also want to fly which has its own problems.
Boss pet versions of BGH dinosaurs? It's a good idea but it's not as simple as shrinking the model. Also requires animations.
Can Ironmen get access to more lootbeam cosmetics? We don't have any plans to but if someone wants to put them in as rewards for content then I don't see why not.
Any information about Gnome finale or Arposandra? It isn't on the survey because it's been polled too many times. We know how much it is wanted which is mid-tablish. It's one that people would like to tick off but not one that they desperately want. I feel that becauase Prifddinas was released, then Menaphos, then effectively Fossil Island the next one will be Floor 61 that people rally behind (rather than Arposandra) but I have been proven wrong in the past and there are other possibilities that could beat it: Acheron, Vampyrium, Infernus, the Skull.
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about 5 years ago - /u/JagexJD - Direct link

Originally posted by Californ1a

Honestly it might be better to do this type of q&a stream after RuneFest rather than before, given that a lot of the answers are just going to be "wait until RuneFest" or similar.

We'll be doing a post-RuneFest Q&A with the content announced.

I think what we've seen is that as well as content showcases and features on specific content, there's an appetite for more general Q&As - so we'll aim to try to get in one per month for you all.

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by Concordia_chaos

[[Terrorbird Mount]]

[[Pogo stick]]

about 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by Concordia_chaos

[[Terrorbird Mount]]

Also the magic carpet in Jack of Spades (I don't hate it, btw).

about 5 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Originally posted by Veginite

Hey /u/shaunyowns is there a chance we can get task min/max numbers as well? Would immensely help with my slayer sheet!

Erm... did you not see the post where that was revealed? It shows min-max :)