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Old school runescape has showcased a lot of stuff yesterday. A lot of good stuff, including a remastered version of While gunthix sleep. They seem very confident about the long term of their vision even after years.

What does Runescape 3 have to show? What are players looking forward to here? Because the way I'm standing, it looks like the Devs are too afraid to release some sort of roadmap to keep players interested and engaged because even they're not confident in their own work, not like the old school runescape team does. It's absolutely appalling.

And I get it, Runescape 3 has a lot more cost upkeep compared to osrs. But holy hell, majority of your updates this year especially are nothing but pointless fillers that doesn't add any real value. Events? Mtx? double exp? Even patch notes, as good as they are, feel like an excuse to extend the time needed to put out real content, that's usually half assed anyway.

So I ask to Jagex. What is the vision here? What's the plan moving foward? Because it feels like there is none. Nothing long term, nor nothing short term. It's like you're throwing at a dart board as a way to come up with new ideas, while old school runescape is capable of pumping out update like champions each year, and it becoming more appealing to move over there for good.

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about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

This is a completely fair question to ask of us, especially given the lack of a roadmap or vision isn't in line with how we've been trying to do things in more recent times.

While I can't provide a comprehensive answer today, I do want to share what we can right now out of respect for these sorts of posts!

So the most important bit - we want to provide you a picture of what’s ahead as soon as we possibly can, and we’re working towards it as quickly as possible. We know it’s important and we’re all really wanting to make it happen asap!

The reason we didn't cap the year off with a roadmap (and have yet to have one) is really simple - we modified our plans in the later stages of 2023.

Hero Pass made it clear that we need to get more player voice into development, which has led to us re-assessing how we approach things. Mod Keeper mentioned it in his message following Hero Pass, but we have a desire to be a lot closer to all of you as players in our development work – and to get there faster than we were planning after the Hero Pass response.

The change to bring that approach forward has meant a bit of disruption to our normal flow of planning and development, but hopefully one that we’re almost through. As SOON as we have that locked, we want to share what we mean when it comes to "being closer" and how we plan to approach development with that in mind.

We do have a couple of nearer term updates and content in development at the moment I can talk to today – with a content drop in February and a new Combat Beta update this week that puts us close to a potential point of full implementation.

I know this isn’t the full update you’re looking for, but I hope this gives you something of an update until we hit the right point to share more detail on the direction for RuneScape. Either way, we’ll get you more updates as soon as we can.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Dry-Fault-5557

So you're going to get the community involved with the next battle pass that keeper also mentioned. Great....

Nothing to do with a Battle Pass - it's referring to the game itself and how we approach development overall.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by SinderWisp

The reason we didn't cap the year off with a roadmap (and have yet to have one) is really simple - we modified our plans in the later stages of 2023.

You're telling me we can't get a roadmap because you made changes late last year? So you have no outline of what's happening in 2024 that can be shared? Huh.

We do have an outline for sure, but because of the other changes happening around them, we're not in a position to make committed public plans just yet.

I know that's probably a frustrating answer, but we just need to hold laying out a vision until we can say with full confidence that we're set up to achieve it properly.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by _evilyn

What's really amazing is just how crippled development has become due to Hero Pass rejection. It's clear that it was meant to be a delivery vessel for future updates, and to heavily shape into the structure of future game events. What's more, your lack of response in such a long winded waffle about wanting to provide a response, but simultaneously not giving anything of any substance.

I can appreciate the position that being a community manager puts one in, between balancing what your obligations are to your employer (ie. Damage control) and community engagement/appeasement. However I'd much rather no response at all if the result is, well, no response.

It may as well just be put forward that there is no real set destination for Runescape in 2024 because it's development team lacks vision. This game passes hands between one parent company onto the next, each time attempting to revitalize and make a product of the game that's lucrative. Despite the amount of hands that it has been passed through the only thing that can come of it is treasure hunter promotions and other projects that will ultimately face the same fate as transformers universe and stellar dawn.

With the brilliance behind Archaeology and Necromancy, it's hard to believe the helm of the ship is steered by utter tools. There is clearly some real talent in this company drained of life and squandered because the management takes the piss.

I getcha on it being a bit of a non response. I was hoping to just provide some context on why there's a delay in a roadmap and make sure people know it's not something we're ignoring, but that is the downside of doing that I admit!

In terms of Hero Pass being a delivery vessel for future updates, that I can confirm wasn't the plan for Hero Pass or the cause of the disruption. Hero Pass was designed as a layer on to other plans rather than an anchoring crutch that compromised content.

The disruption due to Hero Pass is a planning shift - we spent 2023 trying to involve players more than we had done for a couple of years, and keep building on that gradually over 2024.

Off the back of Hero Pass, the shift in planning isn't to do with Hero Pass being cancelled - more of a development mindset shift in how we think about a more player involved RuneScape. That will still take some time to progress this year, but our plans are being re-thought with that even more in mind than we had in our previous plans.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by yuei2

This is a very good answer but, and I mean this with all due respect…

This should have been shared ages ago AND this should be in the news post. That’s not a finger wagging scolding, that’s my suggestion for better comms. This is the stuff we need to be blasted as soon as you start to see unrest.

Honestly a great point.

We default to not wanting to put anything up that's a non-announcement as it rightly tends to upset people - but we could have done something like 'Where's the next RuneScape roadmap?' potentially. We might be defaulting to that based on previous reactions a bit too much.

We'll consider it alongside some other changes we're cooking on for the Newspost front. Thanks for sharing this, good food for thought.