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I created new account since i wanted to try runescape 3 as a main. Got killed literally in 4 hits by wolves. Hobgoblins hit 1k+ during waterfall quests. Xp/hour is awful and feels much bigger grind then training on my high level iron. I'm not even talking about slayer training when sub 30 level monsters shred like crazy. Cows with almost 2k hp ,seriously lol? Overall the experience is pretty bad unless you go straight to necro and camp troll ghots( new monsters probably balanced better) , then undead monsters with salve ammy ignoring slayer till like 80 combat levels.

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about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by -Uffy

I replied to his tweet with this reddit link too, so hopefully he does look at it

thanks for that!

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Hey, as someone in the replies posted - I'm looking into this today, there's clearly some issues early game.

If you have specifics issues you've encountered and the gear you were using it'll help me out.

Of note somethings I'll be looking to adjust:
Reducing the rigidity of stats: (a lot of mobs attack and defence stats line up exactly when they don't need to - a simple example is cows in live are 2 defence, 2 attack, when in reality they should be at the lowest defence as theyre super early game)

Making 'gatekeep' mobs less dangerous: Theres mobs in areas designed to keep players in a place for a period of time (wolves on Whitewolf Mountain designed to stop early players venturing out of burthorpe, troll chuckers etc) Going to bring these down a peg so theyre still stronger than e.g. the cows in burthorpe but not so strong that you have 0 chance of making it across the mountain

Matching expectations: Because of how combat was prior to necro with majority of mobs being SO understatted, players expectations of what they can do at different level bands changed, e.g. flesh crawlers i used to be able to kill with 20ish combat stats; they had a low maxhit & were pretty easily killable with low stats despite having a combat level of 40.
A chunk of these mobs we can bring their combat levels down TO match the old expectation e.g 20 on flesh crawlers

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by Xerkxes

Made a hc not too long ago for the Christmas event let's see what I can remember.

At level 1 attack you have ~20% accuracy against rabbits in burthope lol

Burthope trolls give 17 total xp, that's rough

Everything in the waterfall quest WAS pretty brutal. I was over leveled for it but it was still rough

The demon in the golem quest line was pretty difficult to hit with silver light and lvl 30 attack. Not sure how reasonable that was but maybe its ok

Literal bears by manor farm will also fk your day up lmao.

I avoided combat though so my experience is a bit limited

So having had a play myself, I wonder if you were wearing some off style gear early. As with bronze weapons & 1 stats im seeing a 68% hitchance vs rabbits.

Appreciate the others i can take a look

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by balmcake

As someone who maxed a long time ago I don’t care about any of this as it doesn’t affect me at all.

But that said, why isn’t rolling back low level monsters stats back to previous patch version an option?

Would it have not made more sense to increase a select number of monsters individually instead of blanket update to make sure it was the right move?

It seems odd that Jagex chose to do a blanket update with no foresight, it comes across as disingenuous and like many said, a poorly cobbled together idea to bandage another bad idea, at this point the game feels like a broken dam of issues and every patch you just make things worse by “trying to make it better”.

You brought out a new combat style which was massively over-tuned and to combat that, you thought the best course of action was to give all the lower level monsters steroids, which has basically ruined the levelling experience from what I can see.

I only play the game on and off so I don’t really have a horse in this race, but even I can see the huge displeasure these terrible patches are causing in the game of late.

Jagex need to invest in a proper community manager and actually listen to the community, not every idea is a good idea mind you, we have a lot of bad ideas floating around the sub… but in general, as someone who has been around since the beginning I’m disappointed in what the company has turned into.

You could be better, do better.

But that said, why isn’t rolling back low level monsters stats back to previous patch version an option?

So my stance on this is pre-patch they were absolutely in a worse place than current - (this is still the case for a chunk of mid-high end mobs), introducing a new combat style you want there to be clear reasons for different abilities, combos etc to exist at all stages of game play level 1 up to level 120 and for the game to transition across levels smoothly, had the changes not gone ahead, early/mid game necro your conjures wouldve essentially done nothing as the target would be dead before they ever arrived, the same can be said for ultimate abilities, whats the purpose of an ultimate if I'm killing the target with a basic in one hit, teaching players bad habits of not using these abilities throughout the early game, up until a sudden breakpoint where they hit modernly balanced monsters which then work completely differently to everything theyve been previously taught.

Would it have not made more sense to increase a select number of monsters individually instead of blanket update to make sure it was the right move?

This is absolutely what we did, hitting up the early game instead of the whole game, it's a problem where if you only touch a very few select mobs to be properly balanced, players will ignore them and go for the old undertuned mobs that haven't been touched.

I only play the game on and off so I don’t really have a horse in this race, but even I can see the huge displeasure these terrible patches are causing in the game of late.

I disagree frankly, and if you're drawing your opinions purely from reddit threads it's going to sway towards the negative because as humans we tend to voice frustrations and remain silent if things are going good. No update or change is going to please everyone so you're going to see displeasure whenever something does or doesn't change.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by Any-sao

I hate to say this, but I really need to.

Are these reversions really necessary?

I can see the community is upset about it here, but is there really harm in requiring players to level up a bit before having free reign of the world to explore? Does overworld combat have to be so easy?

FWIW i'm not looking to revert back to how it was pre-necro. But there are some clear issues where some mobs are overtuned and players aren't having fun at those as a result which is a problem

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by Nolifedemon

Early game slayer was a big thing, tried to reply to you on reddit but it seems you have me blocked, not sure why, but anyhow.

Banshee task, I killed 4 before having to bank, and this was using necromancy at lvl 40, with the tier 40 upgrades. and being told by a slayer master im to over levelled for them and to go to vanakka.

Things like low level slayer mobs in general, cows, chickens, the wolfs on white wolf mountain are 1 bite youre dead now. but my general testing seemed very weighted towards low level slayer, and anything even in the lumbridge catacombs is hitting 3 times harder, banking after 4-6 kills isnt a pleasant experience.

Appreciate the reply.
added banshees to my list of things to check over, I vaguely remember doing them on necro release myself without issue, were these regulars or might banshees and weird question : but were you using earmuffs

unblocked, not sure why/when i would've done that

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by TheSadScientist

Could you please look into early-mid tier mobs such as hellhounds, deadly red spiders, lesser/greater demons?

These are some of the few options that f2p players have to train combat, but even with 90-99 stats and full t50+ armor, they're wrecking them.

I can take a look, IIRC though only spiders out of those were changed

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by Love_Hammer94

Thanks for looking into this today Sponge.

I have one specifically I'd like to bring up: Turoths! I have 99/120 (where applicable) all, and these mid-tier slayer monsters absolutely hit like a truck. Moreover, their "stronger" version, Kurasks, don't even come close to their level of danger. I could not be afk at all during the turoths and getting those drops for log were miserable.

yep cheers, gonna hit up turoths so theyre more in line with their slayer level ~55 than their current combat level

Kurasks fell in one of the upper categories so need a rebalance to start so i probably won't do those with this job