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So in the second-most recent comp cape rework announcement, Jagex stated that they were going to remove the Reaper Crew achievement from the Cape's requirements, but they failed to notice that the cape would still be locked for many players behind the completion of the advanced phases of certain boss fights. In their most rework announcement, they addressed the concern by stating that "we've made it so that the tracks unlocks from the start."

...That's all well and fine for some of the problem-tracks, such as Solak's Movement II/III music. But won't the cape still be locked behind areas that can only be reached after you fight certain bosses? For instance, Yakamaru cannot be accessed until Durzag is killed. Does this mean that even with the rework, I'll still need to buy a leech for Raids to get a comp cape? If so, I'm not sure that this rework is going to fix very much...

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over 5 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Apologies if someone else already answered with this, but you can use practice mode to unlock both Yakamaru I and II (without needing to have defeated Durzag). To unlock II you need to deal ~20k damage in the mirage phase, which you can skip to in practice mode. I'm only suggesting that this method works. It's a workable fallback if you can't achieve this via grouping.