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Ive seen reports of people getting it in 30 minutes and people getting it in 6 hours. Ive been here well over 6 hours across 3 days just afking away with porters and i havent gotten sh*t. I dont even want the dam key anymore, its so much f*cking hassle for such a minor upgrade that im just going to get rid of soon because, at this rate, ill be close to 99 before this dam thing drops and then itll just be food for my time and space mattock. Currently sitting at 89 and ive been grinding it since 79 or so. Started at 3 specific material caches the wiki states it drops off of, then moved to the big high war god shrine once i hit 89. Im not sure exactly how many hours ive been here but ive blown over 60 of the highest rank porters across 3 days now because all i do is login and afk hoping itll drop. Has anyone else had absurdly terrible luck with this stupid key? I swear im doing something wrong but ive triple checked the wiki multiple times to make sure im in the right area. Also, Zanik doesnt have the key and its not in my bank.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

It's only a 1/225 chance (per success) so not terrible RNG (from north tunnel excavation spots/material caches only, and you need a free INV space to receive it), but if you are not a fan of RNG, all of these keys are guaranteed at +1 level over the highest spot in each area (i.e. for Saragorgak it's 100% guaranteed on a success at 90+). Hope that helps.