11 days ago - - Direct link
Time for an update on 110 Runecrafting.
11 days ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by Dickbutt11765

This looks real good to me, we haven't had a new Magic rune since really Astral Runes (Armadyl doesn't count). I can't wait to make jokes about the time altar having come out several years in the past.

I think a couple of the skilling spells need to be renamed and possibly condensed though. Fast Rockertunities and Longer Lumberjack's Intuition definitely sound like placeholders and possibly expose the game mechanics a bit too much. "Seek Rockertunities" follows the verb schema of most Lunar Spells (like "Fire Urn"), though "Seek/Improve Intuition" is a bit more clunky.

They're definitely placeholder, it was actually just this week Mod Frosch was brainstorming names with the rest of the team!

11 days ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by auswish133

Out of curiosity, does the weapon imbue involve traveling to all of the altars, or will there be a difference in speed/weapon effect/xp/damage/etc for imbuing at particular altars? While I understand it would likely cause a lot of balance work, it would be really flavorful if the altars utilized imbued weapons differently.

We had a fair bit of discussion on this, considering how this might look for potentially retro-fitting to levels below 100 in the future. While it's still subject to change, there is a small bonus for going to elemental or catalytic altars as part of the skills new levelling benefits

11 days ago - /u/JagexBreezy - Direct link

Originally posted by 5-x

A new rune is a lot of checklists, I hope the team finds the time (lol) to tick all necessary boxes such as

  • time talisman, tiara, and staff
  • feed it to wicked hood
  • new altar, maybe miniquest to locate it?
  • put time runes in pouches
  • add time rune to ZMI
  • check new spells with greater runic staff
  • V's boost and moonstone ring effect on crafting time runes
  • rune shops?
  • vis wax ingredient?

and so on and so forth.

It would also be a great idea to bring back miasmic spells such as miasmic barrage - they slow your opponent down, it's a great thematic fit!

Important to mention that all endeavours with 110s have a principle that the player, you, are the "pioneer" of these new resources. You might be the only one, or one of very few, who knows how to put your skills to use and find, harvest, harness these 100+ resources

As such, not everything is exactly a "plug-in" point and that could be down to that principle or a bit of narrative, and or allowing the design space to do interesting things without necessarily being tethered to all existing content and mechanics as a checklist.

For example, if you are currently the only person or one of few who knows/finds out about Time Runes, it wouldn't make sense for them to just appear in shops