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Dev Console Tools - General Information

  • These tools help us visualize and identify various things.
  • Sometimes the tools require a lot of CPU usage and can make the game lag.

Developer Console - Quick Look


  • Not as useful for Tech QA.
  • Profiling information as well as JS5 Usage.


  • Mainly used for environment via the Map editor and messed with by artists.

Colour Grading

  • Make the game more moody or bright/vivid.
  • Controlling the options affect the exposure and illuminations within the game.

Depth of Field

  • May allow players to use in the future.
  • Allows you to easily focus on objects by blurring out the background information.
  • Able to control the focal point at which something comes in and out of focus.
  • Debug tools to display how it messes with the area.

Distance Fog

  • Fog was introduce to improve performance and reduce the dizziness effect players felt.
    • On NXT's initial release players felt dizzy as there was too much visual information to take in.
  • Contains the ability to completely remove fog
    • Increased performance as with fog everything doesn't have to be loaded in.
  • Tools to control the fog distance, color, and other factors.


  • Allows full control of how lighting affects the environment.
  • SSAO Settings
    • You can see a realistic shadow effect being applied.
    • We have a tool that allow us to see the effect without all the textures cramming the image.


  • Tools to debug the minimap.
  • Allows us to isolate aspects of the minimap to be analyzed.
  • The minimap updates every 15 seconds and takes a top-down snapshot of the area.

Model LOD

  • Allows to downscale items or models in the distance to save on memory.
  • Things in red are on high detail and things in green are in low detail.
    • The radius can be changed so you can see how it has an impact on CPU.
  • No need to show the player everything if they are no where near it.

ObjType icons

  • It changes object icons.


  • Occlusion is about things being hidden behind other things.
    • If you can't see an object the game remove that object.
  • Downsampled GPU depth buffer is used for performance by showing a downscaled version of the game.
  • AABB Depth Buffer - shows how far things are away from you.


  • Tools to allow us to easily identify problems with particles.
  • Doesn't allow us to change the particles themselves as they are done by the artist.


  • Tools to show what something is casting a shadow on.
  • Map Depth shows what's close and far away.
  • Map Translucency

Simple Scattering

  • Tools to work with light-bouncing off something else.
  • Checks to see that colored light retains the color.


  • Allows us to change the sun position.

Texel Density

  • Shows us the size of a model compared to how big its texture is.
    • A tiny model with a really big texture it will display red.
  • Quality
    • Good - Blue
    • Okay - Green
    • Bad - Red.


  • Allows us to tweak what you are viewing.


  • Tools to interact with lighting features and colors.
    • Goes hand and hand with lighting.
  • Tools to show visualizations without textures


  • Tools to adjusts water settings

Developer Console - In Depth Look


Debug general atlases

  • Displays all the textures within a given area in boxes displayed on the screen.
  • Green square represent alphas.
  • The blue icon in one of the squares is the skybox.

Debug sprite atlases

  • This is the in-game login screen and all the bank item icons as well.

Show sprite atlas usage

  • Information displayed on the debugger.

Debug Overlay

Show Debug Overlay

  • More tools and displays than what players have access to.
  • Useful for analyzing overall performance and making sure everything works after updates.

List of Options

  • Expand Sections on Mouse-Over
  • Show Graphs
  • Graph Duration
  • Display/Keep FPS Counter/Expanded
  • FPS Sample Count
  • FPS Update Delay[s]
  • Logic-Loops-Per-Second
  • CPU Usage
  • Memory Usage
  • Disk Cache
  • Allocations
  • Shared Pointer Pools Info/LayoutInfo
  • GPU Usage
  • Render info
  • Detailed GPU Stats
  • Shader Info
  • Audio
  • Script Usage Info
  • Picking Info
  • Network Info
  • Occlusion Info
  • Game Connection Status
  • Preload Status
  • World Build Status
  • Player and Mouse Coordinates
  • Camera Info

Debug Rendering


  • Ability to see the outlines of Polys.
  • Helps identify what requires a lot of usage to load in something.


  • They help show which way a face/plane is facing
  • It's useful for Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, and things like that.
  • Every plane will have a color to show the orientation of a model/plane.


  • Only works with Volumetric Lighting

Emissive Strength

  • Things that create light.
  • Something you add to a model to make it glow.

Specular Strength

  • Shows the parts of objects/objects that shine.

Pointlights Influence

  • Shows the objects that have a light-sources and and where shadows are cast.
    • It isn't about how shadows are cast just the impact of pointlights on models.

Geometry Instance Colour

  • Allows us to see the different geometry instances of objects.
  • Colors help identify and differentiate whole models.

Vertex Bone Colour

  • Allows us to see the parts of the player/NPCs are their own model.
  • Colors help identify and differentiate whole models and clipping issues.

Shadow Caster Volume Capsules

  • How we do shadows.
  • Adds a capsule to show the influence of light on all objects in the game.


  • Shows the bound box model around objects.
  • Furthest part of a model to the furthest part of a model.

Billboard AABB

  • Displays a box around flat 2D plane objects that rotate with your camera.

Particle/Terrain/Water AABB

  • Self Explanatory

Renderable RT7 Components

  • Turn off/on specific parts of the game from being displayed.


Players, NPC entities, OBJ Entities

  • Shows name, animation sequence number, and other details related to the entity.

Combined Locations

  • Tools to help identify combined locations, places that are connected together.
  • We combine locations so everything will pop up at the same time.
    • The reason why objects don't appear one by one to a large extent when loading in.


  • Projectile animations also have their data tracked.

Routing - Players, NPCs

  • Helps identify routing issues and how it is working.
  • Shows the routes of players and NPCs as well as force walk tiles.


Something players interact with on a daily basis.

Show Min/Max Level

  • Shows the different levels of the game, like when you are in a dungeon/in a tall building.
    • Polypore Dungeon is a good example of where players can see multiple levels.
  • Not as useful anymore since we have improved tools.

Show Height Map Floor/Water

Show Remove Roof/Roof Labels

  • Players have access to this option already.

Show Picking

  • Decides and shows the objects you are clicking on by highlighting their click-box.

Show Camera Frustum

  • Shows what the camera is trying to look at and whether the FoV feels right.
  • Primarily used for cut-scenes.

Floor Grid

  • Displays the tiles/grid of the game.
  • Wanted to give it to the players, but instead we gave the terrain blending option.

Tool Testing

Compact Lab

  • Contains and displays a large number of devices with different specs and operating systems.
    • Great for being able to test the game for specific device issues.
  • Naming: CPU + GPU + Bench Mark Score + (OS - if it's running something else)
  • Every engine change will be ran on tests through each of these devices to compare results.
  • Windows XP & VISTA is still supported since players still play on it.
    • We don't want to support it anymore.

Map Square Checker (old clip) + (new clip)

  • It teleports my character to every map square, takes a screenshot, and stitches them together.
  • Then it does an image comparison -
    • If it's more than a certain % of difference from the previous version it will flag it for us to look into.

Animation Testing

  • Increases the rate of testing as we can run it on all different machines and easily notice problems.
  • Animation Debugger - Easily automates all animations so we can check if anything is broken.
    • Bosses are important to test to make sure animations are synced up correctly.
    • Removes environmental influences to determine if an issue is with the animation or something else.
    • Currently only have one for Telos, Nex, and Jad.


Current Issues

  • Loot share while bossing bug
    • Being looked into, and a fix has been made. Planned to be hotfixxed this week if all goes well.
  • Clients not being able to close.

New Animation system

  • Currently being worked on, with animators already interacting with it.
  • MIRA should be in their hands very soon.
  • The new animation system should be released some time this year.


  • Weather implementation depends whether you want to do it by engine or in-game.
    • Doing stuff in engine is more optimal than in script.
  • Players may like a weather feature but there isn't a large benefit for the amount of work needed.


  • What determines what we work on when and how quickly we deal with it.
  • High Priority - Things that impact the player's ability to play the game.
    • Invisible item issue.
    • Mobile is also in high priority.
  • We have a good understanding of when something needs to be higher/lower.


  • The cutscene making tool creates routes/splines for the camera to follow.
  • Forced Camera Changes - Prevents certain places from causing the camera to go out of/beneath the map.
    • Why the camera changes when teleporting to Prif (since it's on a upper level).
  • Water goes up in the air at the end of a map square as it defaults to 0 as it doesn't have a value.
  • TzHaar City places an environmental Diffuse map which gives it a reflection.
    • Diffuse map are up the the artist whether to put them in.
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almost 7 years ago - /u/JagexDolan - Direct link
