over 1 year ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link


"Necromancy when?" finally has an answer. Your journey to becoming a powerful Necromancer begins when Necromancy rises on Monday, August 7 2023!

We finally revealed when you can get your hands on Necromancy in our Cinematic Release Date trailer, as Death narrates a gorgeous look at the adventure ahead of you. In its closing moments, you'll finally see who you're up against in the story ahead as we introduce Rasial, The First Necromancer!

Read more in our blog - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/necromancy-release-date--new-trailer


Check out the full trailer here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpGFbcxzJ-k&ab_channel=RuneScape

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over 1 year ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link


"Necromancy when?" finally has an answer. Your journey to becoming a powerful Necromancer begins when Necromancy rises on Monday, August 7 2023!

We finally revealed when you can get your hands on Necromancy in our Cinematic Release Date trailer, as Death narrates a gorgeous look at the adventure ahead of you. In its closing moments, you'll finally see who you're up against in the story ahead as we introduce Rasial, The First Necromancer!

Read more in our blog - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/necromancy-release-date--new-trailer


Check out the full trailer here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpGFbcxzJ-k&ab_channel=RuneScape

External link →
over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by saroshiar7

Can we get some clarification on the subjugation? Do we NEED the full set, or will it be like you break down subjugation pieces for some essence amount to then shove into the necromancer gear to power it up?

That's the kind of thing you'll need to discover at release I'm afraid.

While we're being a lot more open about certain things, we don't really want to telegraph much detail beyond the list itself - there's a balance to strike between everyone being given the same knowledge on items that you may want with keeping details for you to discover when you play.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Communication_East

Sorry to be a pessimist, but is there any chance of this getting delayed? Don't want to book time off only for the day to get changed

We've been sitting on this date for quite some time.

We can never say definitively 'it will never move', but we held sharing it until we felt we could drop a committed date in complete confidence. Take from that what you will.

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by shinmazinkaiser

"Necromancy has no requirements to play"

Will this include soft requirements? Is the skill 6th age only? Just like Divination, Invention and Archaeology.

Thus World Wakes will need to be completed to train the skill

There are zero requirements. You can literally fire up a brand new account to go play it without having to do anything else beforehand (except tutorials depending on your selections on first login).

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexRowley - Direct link

Originally posted by SeaProgram2836

Please don't be a botched release like invention was with 24hrs nerfs.

I was on the Invention and Archaeology teams, and am on the Necromancy team.

Invention needed more development time. Archaeology did not. Necromancy does not.

Make of that what you will. Subjectivity is a factor, to be sure.

(Not to say there won't be need/desire for post-release adjustements, but we have time allocated for dealing with anything that needs addressing.)

over 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by saltyjellybeans

What's up with lots of their posts never having the video embedded on the actual RuneScape news post?

It's been in there since we posted - not sure why it's not displaying for you.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Silly_Amphibian_6390

Can we get some clarification on how the XP scale reduction works ahead of the release please?

Absolutely. There's going to be a lot more info to come over July.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Ertzengel007_IM_btw

That's so close, I hope it's finished, I'd rather have it released around october/Nov but in a finished state

This has been our target time frame for some time now so nothing is being rushed.

The reason we're confirming the date much closer to launch than you'd expect is purely so we could give a date we're extremely confident in. We just left it till as late as possible in development - without being so late we aren't giving enough notice.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by Zofistian

Mod Hooli, as a long time player (17ish years) let me just say you guys are Killing it! I mean, not necessarily Jagex as a whole, but you and Mod Doom especially are clearly still in love with the game. Thanks!

Thank you for the kind words! Means a lot to us.

Big props have to go to the team as well. This has been a year-long effort that started last year between us, the dev team and RuneScape's leadership to restore the way we used to interact with the community.

It took some time to reshape the way we worked together across the team (especially learning how to do this remotely where you can't just pop to someone's desk), which I know was painful in places last year while we went through that, but the payoff has been being set up to be like this this year. It's been a whole team effort.

I know I overuse this analogy, but I've been saying we're trying to Crawl, Walk and Run when it comes to being closer with all of you. This is very much just the Crawl phase as we get the fundamentals in place, and we'll improve from there.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by x2o55ironman

Are the necro potion ingredients also something we need to discover for ourselves? If so, is there anything you can tell us about them? Will the super necro pots be in the mazcab emergency supplies shop like other super pots?

I'd say that comes under the same stuff yeah.

We're going to explain a lot about the Skill, how things work, things you might need - where we're going to be more cautious is on showing you how to do everything or give so many specifics you kind of know everything to do day one.

When I was playing Archaeology at launch, that moment in Kharid-Et where we were trying to figure out how to open the door with the dials was so magic. That's where we're trying to show restraint - keep those moments (even for small things like potion ingredients!), let players discover things and share the news with other players from their findings/progress.

about 1 year ago - /u/JagexHooli - Direct link

Originally posted by deylath

They have said that Revo++ will not work for Necromancy, instead basic attacks will be a big thing for necromancy ( dont remember quite well what others said but i think it wont have much of any basic abilities )

One point they hammered on: Necromancy is meant to be very approachable. As a pernament user of regular Revo, this makes me smile

I can actually confirm Revo++ does work with Necromancy as it stands!

The big thing about Necromancy as you touched on though as it's designed to be the best way to learn how to to play manual out of all the styles. It's the unique opportunity we could really take on with it being a new Style.

We give you abilities at a better pace, giving you time to learn how they work and synergise with various systems, then build or layer on them in a way that's more understandable. This is combined with auto-attacks being more relevant to damage output in order to let you focus more on impactful abilities.

There's also a lot more tutorial support, improved tooltips and more to support that learning. We'll be sharing more details on Accessibility closer to launch as well.

As a fellow Revo user who fires Thresholds/Ults/Binds on Manual, I'm totally with you - I'm really looking forward to it finally pushing me to go full Manual. The key thing is you don't have to if it's not of interest for you because of Revo support, but it's highly encouraged.