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What used to be 100k for the longest of time, is now 30k and still dropping.. RIP :/

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almost 6 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by EternalSighss

It's pretty obvious to me that farmed items from trees/seeds need to actually be used for POF. For instance, using coconuts, herbs, or even the logs to maintain the pens, or to hire the new farmhands coming soon.

Even something like using farmed products to feed special animals or unlock specific traits, etc. would be a nice way to incentivize usage and help maintain prices.

Not sure I agree with beans being the sole currency of POF when it's clearly taking taking a toll on the overall value of farming...

Thoughts, /u/darkhearted_raven?

Disclaimer: This response is based on ideas running around my head and in no way constitutes a promise or plan for future content.

It's certainly the sort of thing that's in my head for a future player owned farm addition. I'd like to see more specific uses for seeds and plants from other farming content.

I'm not sure I would require you to repair pens, as that would add a frustration element to the content, but I could certainly see things being used for temporary improvements in pens (give your chinchompas a pond to stare at, etc).

One thing I'd like to do is come up with a way of adding in new traits/features that exist only based on what you feed the animal. This was something we wanted to do for launch, but there were too many issues to resolve in the time we had so we had to rethink. E.g if you give your cow only sweetcorn, then they develop some sort of feature such as a chance to provide a new milk source etc.

In addition to this I would like to add an update to normal farming runs to add an element of player owned farmness to existing farming methods. My current thinking was "prize-winning vegetables" which would be special vegetables with traits of their own. These would generally be traits that would tie back into the player owned farm, rather than be general gameplay enhancements, but would provide a reason to do farming runs alongside the player owned farm (which was the intention originally).

Obviously these are just thoughts at the moment and are not tied to any existing development plan or release schedule.