- Life refreshers can now only be activated in a bank area.
i step in the right direction, thx.
- Life refreshers can now only be activated in a bank area.
i step in the right direction, thx.
Shameless plug, but we used a section of the news post to explain why we made this change, feel free to check that out here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/combat-integrity--patch-week
Don't forget that in May this year a selection of auras will be on sale in Solomon's General Store. Start saving those loyalty points now
That's a joke right? Make sure to save that single month worth of loyalty points guys! It's far, far too late to start saving loyalty points a month in advance. It should have said I hope you've saved literally all your loyalty points since the last aura sale.
For what its worth, we've been promoting this Aura sale since the beginning of March, we've been trying to push it notice wise as much as possible :)