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it was f*cking amazing

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over 5 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by ItsLuckyDucky

Which means they should implement it properly. We have no idea what could go wrong if it was just left in the game.

Just wanted to reply to say, this.

We removed the change because it wasn't intentional and therefore could have caused all manner of catastrophic problems down the line. It was a change we hadn't tested (because it was unintentional) and therefore it was a danger to everyone's game.

We'd need to look into the balancing of a change like this, among other things, as whilst it's nice and convenient the long term effects could be really bad for the economy. However, it's potentially something we might consider adding back in future *IF* we determine that it's safe for the whole game.

over 5 years ago - /u/darkhearted_raven - Direct link

Originally posted by ChronoSquare

I'm kind of surprised this idea hasn't been floated around before as an update and somewhat explored. My guess would be maybe it was, but that was too long ago for the current staff to remember/it got passed over or ignored and therefore forgotten.

Here's hoping that players can hear a yay or nay on this accidental QoL once the internal debating is settled.

It's been raised a few ideas, but it's a big balancing act to consider. After all being able to use stuff straight from the Bob increases the amount of stuff you can craft in one sitting, which changes the xp/hr of that task. Apply that across all possible such crafting tasks and it becomes a really big job and one that ultimately changes up the meta of the game too dramatically in most situations.