11 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Are you a friend to the owls? Perhaps you need some new necromantic bling – or maybe you're just getting ready for DXP? This week has you covered...

Check it out here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/housing-of-parliament--double-xp--this-week-in-runescape

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11 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Are you a friend to the owls? Perhaps you need some new necromantic bling – or maybe you're just getting ready for DXP? This week has you covered...

Check it out here - https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/housing-of-parliament--double-xp--this-week-in-runescape

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11 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by Pepo8

Every DXP we get more mtx shoved into it. Yikes

These bundles are the same as the previous Double XP in November, no changes there!

11 months ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by JohnExile

Changing them to melee means they will ball up easier, allowing you to easily nuke them down with their new mage weakness. You should kill a f**kton more now than you did before. I dunno about their damage getting changed, I agree it seems like it's barely been touched but I guess I'll have to go check myself instead of just kneejerking.

Yeah, as you said you'll generally have an easier time killing them, damage didn't need to come down too much when accuracy also came down, and you'll no longer be tanking ~10 at a time which also increases survivability there.

Will OFC keep monitoring feedback on them / the other changes though.

Additionally, whilst XP/kill will have decreased, the XP/HR at turoths will have most likely increased depending on your setup, as they're grouping harder, your AOE's will clear more, faster

11 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by Pepo8

Daily track on TH promotion is a new addition sadly. Also lol dailyscape

Well, that's iterated on from the Christmas Village event but outside of that, it's a new addition, I'll give you that!

11 months ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by Sasternaali

My primary question remains with the hit in HP. Why? If the survivability is then much better, that's fine, but is this all just to prevent turoths from becoming a good XP/h spot for higher levels? A closer look to old Turoth xp shows that with the current nerf it means they'd be around the old xp rates, at least. I always understood why ED3 deserved the nerf, but why did everything else? Was it all in an attempt to make the upcoming Necromancy grind take longer (hello, untested ritual xp rates) or was it an actual design choice?

From the perspective of someone going for 200m in combats it's ridiculously dreary (and I rushed 120m before the nerfs went live). There are right now so few mobs that you really can feasibly do at semi low-effort (cannon, overloads, etc. supplies that you need to manage) that provide you with decent XP/h. If this was like any other skill where you only have to bear the activity once I wouldn't be so annoyed by it. But combat has right now 1,2b worth of XP (ignoring HP and counting Necro within this) that comes from killing the very same mobs from an extremely limited pool of choices. Am I going to abyssal Demons/Savages/Beasts? Am I going to Armoured Phantoms? Perhaps I'll be daring and even go to corrupted monsters. Let's not even get into how poor Ranged choices are without chinning.

I just genuinely think combat training is now in a very limited and repetitive state unless you love bossing to the max, and even there xp/h took a noticeable hit. There are so many monsters in this game and yet so few stick out. Some enemies like Gemstone dragons just aren't worth the effort beyond being collection log-fuel.

My primary question remains with the hit in HP.

It was a common complaint from players that turoths were over statted, hence bringing them down, lowering it helps resolve this, making the tasks faster for mid level players, and makes them slightly more relevant for farming seed drops (lesser issue imo) They weren't changed to stop them being good XP they were changed to make them better for mid/low level players.

ED3 deserved the nerf, why everything else

XP was essentially uncontrollable it had bloated to where XP rates were excessive, and changing stats had whacky knock on effects - as an example, today cows went from 1100 HP ->1000 HP and 2 defence -> 1 defence.

You 'd think their XP would come down with stat reductions; with the old system ... nope.

The data pulled from the RS bestiary using todays update (thanks wiki team):

Diffs for 20970 [Cow]
defence: 2 -> 1
lifepoints: 1100 -> 1000
xp: 149.4 -> 174.3

As you can see today we pulled down cows stats, and in the old formula it wouldve gained XP

TLDR the old formula was impossible to manage for devs and is what lead to XP bloat.

Your point on Gemstone dragons etc is a good point, some mobs should have XP multipliers (like oldschool) IMO to help increase their viability/xp diversity.

11 months ago - /u/JagexLuma - Direct link

Originally posted by Butternubicus

This has to be an oversight, surely. https://i.imgur.com/ZV1A12d.mp4

we'll be looking to fix this!

11 months ago - /u/JagexLuma - Direct link

Originally posted by yuei2

Hey wanted you to know Luma you did a nice job with this quest. It has a very nice classic quest pulse.

Go around the world talking to obscure characters or items you’d never normally deal with or necessarily know about (king worm I forgot was even a thing), cute writing, the cleaning objectives were not marked in such a way that it felt like too much handholding, and injected just a nice bit of life and story into an area that didn’t really have much. Very classic RS feeling.

It also just makes the Owls of Um in general a bit more interesting and I think helps make Omen as the necromancy skilling pet feel better. It’s just the little touches of lore like this that make things feel more grounded and connected in the world.

The reward feels quite nice to, a powerful rare gem but only one so you kind of get to pick and choose your reward then if you want you have to go grind out the others. It’s a nice balance of effort vs return because the gem is desirable but for only 1 you aren’t asking too much.

Oh and post quests owls are very cute, was neat to see that you programmed the owls to try to omen. A little sad Omen is so rude that they just stiff their friends.

Thank you for the update.

thank you for this comment, I appreciate it :) (although i do feel a bit bad now for making omen grumpy towards his friends!)

11 months ago - /u/JagexAzanna - Direct link

Originally posted by RookMeAmadeus

So...since we have 450QP now, are we going to have a 9th block/prefer slot pair added for slayer?

The prefer/block slot is capped at 8 so there isn't a 9th for the 450 quest point, this could change in the future but currently we are happy with the amount available.

11 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by Torezx

Hi Doom, I'm sorry to hijack and ask again- I'm not sure how else to ask

Would there ever be scope to move all Retro cosmetics to Runecoins? At the moment there's no way anyone buys them in the first couple of years of their account. We want to spend Ruencoins, please let us!

Hi u/Torezx - I can certainly raise it with the team as a point we can try and look to do for our next big Marketplace update!