Vod | Newspost | Patch Notes
Shattered Worlds
Full list is of all the changes can be found in the newspost/patch notes.
What players wanted:
- More objective variations
- More rewards
- Challenge Rebalance:
- Silver: World
25-> 50 - Gold: World
40-50-> 80-100+
- Silver: World
- Challenge Reset:
- It is now a D&D can only be repeated by using a weekly D&D reset token.
- Reseting them resets all 3 challenges. (A warning message will appear notifying you of this).
New Objectives
- New objectives and objective variety:
- 'Kill x% of enemies' - Kill
75%-> 65-80% - 'Deal X Damage' - Deal a certain amount of damage in a single world to proceed.
- 'Repair the Portal' - Enemies have a chance to drop a portal repair kit. Find 3 pieces and repair the portal.
- 'Summon and Kill the Boss' - Kill enough enemies to summon a boss, then defeat it to proceed.
- 'Kill x% of enemies' - Kill
- Bosses will appear once every 5th world, and the bosses that have been added are:
- God Wars Dungeon 1 Generals (not including Nex)
- Chaos Elemental
- Dagannoth Kings
- Barrows Brothers
Objective Notes
- Bosses retain their normal mechanics except:
- Kree'arranged & Dagannots can be attacked with any combat style.
- Bosses scale along their world and have stats higher than the mobs on that world.
- Kills don't count towards KC or Marks of War.
- Hydra NPCs now counts towards the objective. As a result the mutator has been changed to be neutral.
- Average time spent completing objectives should be the same as before.
- The ability to skip worlds based on your performance is now calculated when completing an objective.
- Spirits of Battle - Allows you to reset KC on Slayer masks in order to regain their buffs.
- 3 New Titles: - "the Abyssal Knight" | "Animaniac" | "Abyss Diver"
- Early Bird Bonus: +25% more Anima until the 27th of April.
- The challenge interface now better displays the tier, mutators, and rewards associated with the challenge.
- Overhauled the minimized minigame hud especially for Mobile.
- You can skip the end screen animation.
- Minimap icons have been added to various items of interest within Shattered Worlds.
- No new maps.
- The auto-pickup functionality for anima has been optimised to leave less anima on the ground.
- Drop rates will be provided on April 30th.
- Staff pieces are not intended to drop in order since they are tradeable.
- Ironman accounts can deal with it.
- The honed perk only affects the material rate because it affects your focus.
Discussed/Looked into
- Noted down an issue with placing dummies in AOD.
- Allow players to use Bladed dive/Surge in Thalmund's forge in Warforge!
- Using augmented mattocks to create a mattock of T&S.
- Chronotes to your currency pouch - Don't expect it till the week after at the earliest.
- Ripper demon - We're making sure that the changes we make are the right changes. Looking to get it out as soon as possible.
No plans to:
- Add a 5th hand of glory. (Maybe in the future)
- Transfer materials from a tetracompass to the material bank. (If we did, we'd add a toggle).
- Add the Autoscreener to your toolbelt.
- Increase the duration of material caches or to add individual ones.
Today's Changes
There's a process to getting out fixes. We need to make it, then test it, then put into the build, so not everything came out this week that we've worked on.
- Fixed an issue where the Inquisitor Staff damage boost was not applying to some attacks.
- The Site Map at the Archaeology Guild now informs the players about the site keyboard shortcuts.
- Changed 'restoration station' to 'archaeologist's workbench; in the make-x menu.
- The Berserker's Fury relic power no longer takes priority over the Dharok's outfit set effect.
Upcoming Changes
Most of these will be in next week's update but it's not a guarantee.
- Add an activate/deactivate option on autoscreener.
- Allow players to put a Pontifex signet ring & Legatus pendant to their toolbelt.
- Allowing the material storage being viewable from the journal. (Might post a screenshot of it later).
- Material Cache changes:
- Dig site caches: 2 nodes at each location.
- Non-Dig site caches: 3-4 nodes at each location.
- Configure option to the material storage, and gave you the option to flip the options.
- Allow Imp soul perk to send resources to the material bank/metal bank.
- We will be looking at items that send things to banks in general (not as a priority).
- Tetracompass changes: Inspect it to see what's needed to restore it.
- Settings interface options:
- Toggle duplicate Imcando pieces
- Displaying the hitsplat for precision.
- Museum warning toggle.
- Enabling the level 20 augmented item perk effects for Fortune.
- Swap Hobgoblin mansticker & Dorgeshuun spear so they are in the correct collection.
- Allowing the Everlight music to be made accessible before level 105 Archaeology.
- No grace on it since we'd be adding more music tracks before the grace would be up.
- Increase the bad-luck mitigation tracking on excavations from 3 to 5.