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Hi everyone! As a new player (f2p) I am trying to do Combat Academy tasks, but this nice lady tell that currently she can't teach me ;( any suggestions?

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over 5 years ago - /u/Jagex_Stu - Direct link

Originally posted by Californ1a

/u/jagex_stu would probably know how far along they are in getting the combat academy working again. They disabled it for a number of reasons when the new player experience released in September, since the basic combat stuff is taught by Turael now during the Burthorpe path. It's probably going to be re-added, alongside a few of the other paths they also removed, when mobile goes out of beta/early access.

I'm not sure how prudent it is to go into detail about another developer's project (but I'll discuss with Mod Sova tomorrow what he's comfortable sharing).

There's some aspects of the current lessons that have become increasingly problematic as the combat system has evolved over the years and our platform support has broadened, so it's not a quick fix (hence we had to temporarily disable it while we devote time to giving the academy dedicated development).

But rest assured it hasn't been forgotten about. It's been his primary focus since we released the Burthorpe FTUE, and he's been persistently hard at work at it.

over 5 years ago - /u/mod_sova - Direct link

Originally posted by Californ1a

Ah, thanks, I didn't know it was Sova's project, I just remembered it being mentioned during the new player experience stream.

Hello yes! it me, I'm on the Core Experience team now and working on the Combat Academy.

We've reached a standstill on where to actually take it, so I don't have any specifics or a timeline of when it can be updated, unfortunately, sorry. :( What I can say is that we have 3 main paths we are reviewing at the moment:

  • Fix up the combat Academy as it is, remove bugs, make changes that reflect how revo++ works now, and update the lessons to support mobile.
  • remove the combat academy and design something new from the ground up.
  • remove the combat academy and export any of the important content into the recently updated burthorpe introduction paths
over 5 years ago - /u/mod_sova - Direct link

Originally posted by Californ1a

Thanks! Regarding those 3 paths, I don't think the third one would work very well, considering you can just skip all of the Burthorpe paths and then they don't appear anymore unless you reset the tutorial (they also don't appear for returning players on established accounts). I think it's best to keep it in Lumbridge or as a path in one of the other path books that doesn't get hidden after complete, so returning players (from pre-EoC) can be pointed there to learn the combat system if they haven't logged in since EoC (instead of what currently happens, with them being automatically set to legacy mode).

Thanks for the feedback! :)

For those specific concerns we have been having some separate conversations about the Burthorpe path and whether we can/should make any of it replayable and more revealed to pre-eoc players.