As the title says, Runescape 3 is such a great game, and is filled with content that could last players a lifetime, but what use is that when players quit hours into creating their first account?
I've been playing this game for years now, and am the only person amongst my large group of friends that plays the game. Recently, I managed to convince our group to try the game out, with me creating a new account to play through the early game with them. It was obvious amongst the group that every single person found the early game extremely complicated, and even as a veteran, I too was confused why certain features were made so complicated to beginners. In short, the early game needs to be simplified.
Here are my thoughts based upon the feedback of friends, alongside my own input as a long term player of the game.
Default Interface Layout
I totally understand that Runescape 3 gives complete customization for layout choices, however, what I don't understand is why the default interface layout looks nothing like the layouts used by 99% of the playerbase.
The current layout doesn't even assist new players, there are literally duplicates of the same functioning button which only adds confusion. Additionally, every single button is placed in the same area in the bottom right of the screen, despite each button having varying functions that don't relate to one another.
This could be simplified by breaking down the default layout into subinterfaces, with buttons within each interface having some relationship.
Current RS3 Layout:
Suggested Improved Layout:
The suggested layout isn't designed to be something players take into the late game, but instead something that should help them learn the game easier.
Why the suggested layout is better?
All combat interfaces are grouped together.
All social interfaces are grouped together
Ability bar is centralised acustom to industry standard
Ability bar is opened by default
1 Additional ability bar so user's can familiarise themselves with using multiple bars by default
Distinct seperation between interfaces, helps makes the game look less overwhelming at first glance.
The key with this is to make the game look less overwhelming at a first glance, whilst additionaly making it easier to manouver as new users play and learn the game.
It also helps from a viewers perspective through media platforms, for example if a new play were to watch a youtube video of Runescape 3 and then log in for the first time, they'd probably wonder why their game looks nothing like the one in the video they just watched.
Change the Default Combat Mode to Full Manual
Whilst it is true that most long term RS3 players favour revolution mode over full manual, I think that it is a massive mistake forcing new players to start the game in revolution.
Try to imagine it from a new players perspective, you come to a new game ready to try out all these abilities and feel powerful, but that experience is gone since the game just casts those abilities for you. **Let players start off in full manual and experience what their abilities do for themselves.** Sure, players can cast abilities whilst in revolution, but for a newer player this only adds further confusion as to why their abilities aren't going off when they press keys, making the game seem clunky/buggy.
A few settings should be changed by default to make the learning curve easier for newer players.
Hitsplat colours should be changed to correspond with styles: Red = Melee, Green = Range, Blue = Magic.
"Toggle Ability Cooldown Timer" should be on by default.
Lock layout customization by default. There is nothing worse than a new player logging in, missclicking close an interface and then spending 20 minutes trying to figure out how to get it back.
I also feel that players should be able to resize their ability bar. Compared to similar games, the ability bar for runescape is incredibly small, therefore I don't understand why it cannot be resized.
Beginner Tasks
Tasks are good, they drag on a bit but for the most part do as they should, helping guide the player through their first steps. My only issue here is:
- The troll boss is too hard at the point user's do it during the tutorial burthorpe path. It's very possible during the fight that you die, resulting in new players having to fish more food, which is frustrating when you're only 5 minutes into the game.
One thing I'd like to add however is that I do not believe that the current "path" progression is good for teaching players the game. Whilst yes, it goes in detail on certain aspects, the early game tasks feel completely meaningless and exist only to guide the player early on. Once they're over, players are literally thrown into the game to figure everything out for themselves, which is incredibly daunting.
Feedback concluded, would be nice to hear what other's think on the subject.
Tldr; Early game sucks for new players, very confusing/complicated, suggested changes above.
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