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As the title says, Runescape 3 is such a great game, and is filled with content that could last players a lifetime, but what use is that when players quit hours into creating their first account?

I've been playing this game for years now, and am the only person amongst my large group of friends that plays the game. Recently, I managed to convince our group to try the game out, with me creating a new account to play through the early game with them. It was obvious amongst the group that every single person found the early game extremely complicated, and even as a veteran, I too was confused why certain features were made so complicated to beginners. In short, the early game needs to be simplified.

Here are my thoughts based upon the feedback of friends, alongside my own input as a long term player of the game.

Default Interface Layout

I totally understand that Runescape 3 gives complete customization for layout choices, however, what I don't understand is why the default interface layout looks nothing like the layouts used by 99% of the playerbase.

The current layout doesn't even assist new players, there are literally duplicates of the same functioning button which only adds confusion. Additionally, every single button is placed in the same area in the bottom right of the screen, despite each button having varying functions that don't relate to one another.

This could be simplified by breaking down the default layout into subinterfaces, with buttons within each interface having some relationship.

Current RS3 Layout: https://i.imgur.com/ucz3ZCy.png

Suggested Improved Layout: https://i.imgur.com/cRE7zJL.png

The suggested layout isn't designed to be something players take into the late game, but instead something that should help them learn the game easier.

Why the suggested layout is better?

  1. All combat interfaces are grouped together.

  2. All social interfaces are grouped together

  3. Ability bar is centralised acustom to industry standard

  4. Ability bar is opened by default

  5. 1 Additional ability bar so user's can familiarise themselves with using multiple bars by default

  6. Distinct seperation between interfaces, helps makes the game look less overwhelming at first glance.

The key with this is to make the game look less overwhelming at a first glance, whilst additionaly making it easier to manouver as new users play and learn the game.

It also helps from a viewers perspective through media platforms, for example if a new play were to watch a youtube video of Runescape 3 and then log in for the first time, they'd probably wonder why their game looks nothing like the one in the video they just watched.

Change the Default Combat Mode to Full Manual

Whilst it is true that most long term RS3 players favour revolution mode over full manual, I think that it is a massive mistake forcing new players to start the game in revolution.

Try to imagine it from a new players perspective, you come to a new game ready to try out all these abilities and feel powerful, but that experience is gone since the game just casts those abilities for you. **Let players start off in full manual and experience what their abilities do for themselves.** Sure, players can cast abilities whilst in revolution, but for a newer player this only adds further confusion as to why their abilities aren't going off when they press keys, making the game seem clunky/buggy.


A few settings should be changed by default to make the learning curve easier for newer players.

  1. Hitsplat colours should be changed to correspond with styles: Red = Melee, Green = Range, Blue = Magic.

  2. "Toggle Ability Cooldown Timer" should be on by default.

  3. Lock layout customization by default. There is nothing worse than a new player logging in, missclicking close an interface and then spending 20 minutes trying to figure out how to get it back.

I also feel that players should be able to resize their ability bar. Compared to similar games, the ability bar for runescape is incredibly small, therefore I don't understand why it cannot be resized.

Beginner Tasks

Tasks are good, they drag on a bit but for the most part do as they should, helping guide the player through their first steps. My only issue here is:

  1. The troll boss is too hard at the point user's do it during the tutorial burthorpe path. It's very possible during the fight that you die, resulting in new players having to fish more food, which is frustrating when you're only 5 minutes into the game.

One thing I'd like to add however is that I do not believe that the current "path" progression is good for teaching players the game. Whilst yes, it goes in detail on certain aspects, the early game tasks feel completely meaningless and exist only to guide the player early on. Once they're over, players are literally thrown into the game to figure everything out for themselves, which is incredibly daunting.

Feedback concluded, would be nice to hear what other's think on the subject.

Tldr; Early game sucks for new players, very confusing/complicated, suggested changes above.

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over 3 years ago - /u/JagexOsborne - Direct link

Originally posted by Gaga_Lady

I really don't think they should release mobile yet, I can hardly believe I'm even saying this.

It's not because 'mobile' itself is bad - the early to mid game is. I don't want to unnecessarily shit on Jagex, I love this game so much. However, the early game really isn't anywhere near as good as it could be it for the single opportunity which they have.

Just some examples:


Users who switch to PC (from mobile) could be instantly deterred by the UI. It’s unnecessarily complex and ‘forces’ complexity on the player. In my opinion, that’s terrifically bad UX design. If existing veterans (we know from Mod Pips’ presentations that the vast majority of the player base has been playing for years) has trouble with it, then how are we expecting new players to grasp it?

Broken Combat

99% of mobs released prior to EoC are seriously nerfed. I can't fathom how this is even possible, or has been allowed to continue for so long. I'm not talking about them being slightly nerfed either. What I mean is: most monsters under level 40 CB have a max hit of less than '100'. That's less than '1' in OSRS. Most under 90 CB have a max hit less than '200'. Again, prior to EoC that'd be a hit of '20' or '2'. I can’t even make sense of how that has been possible to be the case for a decade. Has no one internally, with long-term experience of the game, ever created a new account? It's not just the damage they deal either. Their life points weren't scaled up properly at all. Most monsters have significantly less than their health multiplied by 10 - which is the most sensible conversion rate to understand content pre and post EoC. Fairly often, their health hasn't even changed at all to account for EoC.

Some of the far too many available examples:

  • The Khazard Warlord from Tree Gnome Village has 10% of the max hit and life points which he had prior to EoC. Lest not forget that players in EoC have far higher damage potential too, even when wearing the same gear as they may have been prior to the combat rework.

  • All of the Monsters in Lumbridge Catacombs have a max hit of less than ‘100’ (10 pre-EoC, 1 in OSRS). This is despite Dragith Nurn, for example, being level 26. In fact - the most balanced monster a new player will come into contact with are Burthorpe trolls - which have a max hit of 100 (pre: 10 or 1) and 100 life points. This is still too little life points - but simply goes to show how broken this system is. Trolls should not be changed - if anything their life points should be increased. They are not the problem, the lack of rebalancing 99% of the game is.

  • Nomad can be defeated without worrying about dying at all, as a result of a glitch which has existed for many years. This is the case with other pieces of content too - and has been reported by many people, many times, over the years. Why has this not been fixed?

Yet despite multiplying by ‘10’ being an easy way to understand the issues present and convert the relative difficulty - it is by no means the correct conversion. For example, Kree’arra, after having its life points multiplied by 10, required a further 190%-ish LP increase to feel ‘balanced’. As everyone knows, too - Kree’arra is far from what it was and as with most monsters, deals almost no damage. But GWD1 generals are not important in the grand scheme of things, and this perhaps gives a nice introductory PvM encounter. What really needs to happen, again, is fixing everything else.

The problem doesn’t end here though. Combat impacts almost everything in the game. What’s worth using, what isn’t, the value of items, etc. Even entire skills worth of content like Dungeoneering and Summoning.


There’s nothing for new players to aim for - or, at the absolute maximum, there is significantly less than there ever has been.

  • Why aim to unlock a spell in your spellbook when lodestones exist? The same can be said for quest-locked teleports like Watchtower and Ardougne.
  • Why aim to complete a quest which awards combat equipment - when the combat equipment is no longer worthwhile? Eg: Dragon weapons are lesser than Orikalkum weapons (which are cheaper). Special attacks are also inferior to ability rotations. Why would a person break their back and aim to complete Monkey Madness or Hero’s Welcome?
  • Why train Agility? Agility has such an insignificant impact on run energy now and low-level useful shortcuts which haven’t been made redundant by lodestones and other QoL are very few and far between.
  • Why train Construction? You’re fairly unlikely to benefit from portals, Dahmaroc (compared to the constant flow of free experience), mounted teleports, etc. If you need a gilded altar - don’t worry, every other person already has one which you can use.
  • Why train Dungeoneering? Players can acquire well in excess of 130K exp per hour in Dungeoneering by playing EDs. Even if you only have level 1 Dungeoneering. That’s ludicrous. Further, Dungeoneering tokens are given to the player left, right and centre through MTX. If you really want to acquire them, training Dungeoneering isn’t the way to do it.
  • Etc, etc, etc.


This one doesn't really need explaining to be honest. I think they will regret not having released the vast array of graphical updates they worked on and then chucked into the bin.


Reduce the tick. In absolute fairness to them, this one is not an easy fix at all. However, it's a massive roadblock between RuneScape 3 and modernisation. We know Jagex are working on it - why is this not being released before mobile?


  • Social focus. A few RuneFest's ago they announced they would be releasing new clan content, updates, group system rework, focus on socialising in game, etc. Obviously, this never happened - nor did the minigame hub. The ‘smallest’ of things like boss KC and kill time hiscores, clan trophies, shattered world hiscores, etc would all go a very long way.

Integrity and balance

  • A player can get a level 50 stat from a single Treasure Hunter reward. That is terrible design.
  • Players, at level 1 Dungeoneering, can go to EDs and acquire in excess of 130K Dung exp. This should not be remotely possible for a non-buyable skill.
  • It's possible to gain 50M+ exp in Slayer over a double exp weekend. I mean - c'mon.
  • 90%+ of players disagree with the constant neuting and resetting of quest reqs. Jagex continue to do it anyway. They constantly trade in short term gain for long term values (achievements, goal setting, feeling proud, having something to work towards, etc). To illustrate this even further, due to a mistake on Jagex's end, Desert Treasure was a requirement for Azzanadra's Quest (and probably still is). Has there been the slightest complaint - anywhere? No, of course not. Does OSRS remove their quest requirements? No, of course not.
  • Every activity pre-EoC which involves combat is nerfed in a way that makes the game not enjoyable. Don't just think of Slayer - think of every single quest boss, summoning, the dungeoneering skill, every activity, etc.
  • Why train Agility by training Agility? When instead you can repeatedly re-use the same shortcut for better experience rates than an agility course. Alternatively, why not drop clockwork mice on Falador tower?

/u/jagexosborne /u/jagexwarden /u/jagexMIC I love you guys very much. I love this game very much - so much, in fact, that I spend a crazy amount of my time coming up with ways in which the game can be improved (e.g I recently sent a doc with countless pages to Mod Stu. Bugs I'd found in the tutorial, things that didn't flow well, etc). The tutorial team are doing a great job btw, but that's not the problem. It's the game after the (fantastic) tutorial.

Thank you Gaga_Lady. We share your posts and threads around the office, so please don’t feel like it falls on deaf ears. They are regularly insightful and have definitely changed our decision-making in the past.

I agree with a lot you’ve written here. There’s no hiding from the sheer amount of change that needs to happen in the early game for RS to be welcoming even at an industry standard level, let alone the industry-leading level we want to get to. Your comments on UI, goals and social are very aligned with mine. I personally want to also look at the staggering of our content, and also working through the game with DIY exploration, finding and completing things as I go.

We could go on an endless journey to perfect RS before a launch, but I don’t see RS Mobile launch as a single bet, a single bite of a cherry with failure if we don’t capitalise on it. We will keep working on the opening game, UI etc past launch, and let mobile feedback factor into it too. I imagine RS Mobile will slowburn, improving and incrementally retaining people better and better over time. In the meantime, the established players can play it and benefit from it.

RS Mobile is more a commitment than a launch, and I believe that launching now, factoring in feedback, working on it for years, and putting it in the hands of active players, is the right approach

Also Ilkumas, this post has been shared a lot around the office too. We have lots of people working on the next stage after launch, so this kind of considered post is great.