almost 6 years ago - /u/Shaunyowns - Direct link

Originally posted by Slavilavi

EDIT: I have a bugged out buff bar, not debuff bar.
First of all I am using NXT client, and I've attempted to reinstall it as a fix to no avail. It shows things like familiar timer, and overload effect, but it wont show how long my perfect juju potions last, or any abilities with a lasting effect like anticipation, freedom, death swiftness. I've submitted multiple bug reports already this week. This has been going on for about a month. I tried to uncheck and save it in advanced edit layout mode, but when I come back it's always checked.Has anyone experienced anything similar? I found a similar past post from Apr 2017, but no solution was posted there. My RSN: Cheeb Cheeba.

EDIT2: Here is a screenshot displaying my issue. Swiftness is up, but buff bar doesn't show it's effect.

I’m slightly confused

Cracking cool down is a debuff icon yes, however the effects you’ve listed are for the buff bar not the debuff bad :)