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For some reason, when using Most Wanted Cards I get multiple Cresbot drops, even through the wiki states that it is a considerably rarer drop than the automaton gloves (1/1600 vs 1/1000), but I keep getting the Cresbot drop when using Most Wanted Cards and only got one glove so far.

However the wiki states that according to Mod Sponge:

"While carrying the card, on each automaton kill the player has an additional 1/486 chance to receive a Cresbot unlock item if Cresbot is not already owned, and a pair of Automaton gloves otherwise. This happens only if the usual 1/1,000 and 1/1,600 chances to roll for Automaton gloves and Cresbot drops, respectively, are failed."

So I either have a very strange interaction with the Most Wanted Card that creates a bug(like that guy had with the Hermit Crab had a while back) or Mod Sponge is wrong. I'm pretty sure it is a bug

To provide a bit of data that might help:

  • I have reported this as a bug before, and today.
  • I have killed 3511 Automatons according to quickchat.
  • I mostly killed Automatons when I have the Most Wanted Card. (I mostly do it for the drop logs)
  • I have obtained several Cresbot Drops. I have obtained one of these at exactly 16:32:59 - 14/07/2022(today). I haven't kept count but im fairly sure it was considerably more than 4, for the most part done with Most Wanted Cards.
  • I don't remember when I first obtained the Cresbot pet, but it was likely before the release of Drop Logs. (this could be the source of the bug)
  • I have only obtained one Automaton Glove(magic) and I'm fairly sure I got it because I completely used up the Most Wanted Card before the Slayer task was over.

I don't mind if this is not a bug and I will just keep farming whenever I get a Most Wanted Card(just mildly annoyed that I burned through them for nothing), until I complete the drop log. But I would really appreciate if a Mod could check if there is some sort of bug or the previously given statement was wrong.

EDIT: Here's Mod Sponge statement in question:

Automatons - if you fail at a rare, roll 1/486 to get a rare from the card, if that's successful, you'll get cresbot, if you already have it you'll get gloves based on the type you killed. 3/3

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over 2 years ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Hey, I just took a look again, it appears the most wanted card is doing a bad check to see if cresbot is unlocked and so the system is believing you don't have cresbot and therefore giving you it. There's a job in to fix it, i'll try to get to it today :)