almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexJack - Direct link

Originally posted by Gamez_X

As far as the design direction, its not a case of "people who think the same are too few and far between" at all. Last time i brought this up i have literally like 400+ people coming in saying the same thing before the post disappeared from the front page, that said they agreed and they didnt even know there was a previous design. The fact the switch between the 2 seems to have been done relatively outside of the public eye with seemingly little asking of the general public's opinion on either before or after is a clear problem. If they're making a point of asking what people's opinions are on the whole direction of a huge update then they should put a poll out or something asking everyone. Not just "whoever happens to be in the mods twitter feed that day" or whatever it ended up being, its no wonder so many people where out of the loop on what was going on

Having a full selection of weapons IS important, it doesnt matter how much work it would be to make them all, its what is called for just like all the previous metal tiers. And as i pointed out since weapon diversity is going to be a big thing going forward with each different kind of weapon having its own effect, its even more important to make sure all such weapons are provided

As for the level unlocks, another person here suggested spreading all the items over 5 levels infront of when you unlock the metal with the next 5 being the reforging unlocks. Really the whole idea of suddenly getting complete mastery over a metal and its every use is just dumb. You dont just go "i figured out how to blend these 2 ores, i'm now a master of everything this material can do and can build anything from it regardless of complexity. Thats not how getting better in a skill works XD

With the mining rocks, having infinite ores just seems like a bad idea all around. You need the rocks to break to atleast give it a slight sense of conceptual realism, and get people to check back into the game atleast every few mins. Its rather like how make X of an item is afk but its capped at 60. Restarting the count again is fairly trivial but that little break every now and then keeps the players looking back at the game and preventing 100% afk. From what i can see these rocks are way too afk, they need that break

The gem rocks at the very least need to be WAY tougher to break for each gem, i cannot see gems of any type coming into the game at this rate and consistency ending well at all. The mention of crafting xp brings up another point just now. Gem crafting is known to be by far the quickest way to do crafting lvls but if the gems are coming into the game this fast and this cheaply, wouldnt that make crafting lvls way too easy too and devalue the idea of getting 99 crafting?

Most people i've asked or shown these rocks didnt so much "feel strongly" about them but more laughed at them, thats not a good start to a skill. You say its not worth putting the resources into remodeling them again but the fact is they dont need to. Just use the old models and simply recolour the ore parts. Very easy to do, very quick and frankly looks way better than this new style of texturing they keep using these days

While the POH mount could be seen as a side issue (although it should be relatively easy to make seeing how the item models are in the game, just a bit of rearranging and resizing to do), i dont see adding onto the golem suit as out of scope at all. I mean it is THE mining suit, they've tried to touch every every tiny thing even connected to mining or smithing but this suit is just overlooked. Would be fairly simple to add some teleports to it to bring it in line with the rest of the elite suits

The metal dragon scales was just a quick but interesting idea that came to mind while in the process of writing this. It just seemed to make more thematic sense to split apart the ore drops and bar drops into their own token items which give ores/mining xp and bars/smithing xp respectfully as ingame atm they are their own distinct different type of drops worth different amounts

So you're saying that a pickaxe and its effects are out of scope of a mining and smithing rework? Well thats just a dumb thing to say, OFCOURSE this would fall under their umbrella. As i said in the report, you are judging the effect by the ore rates gotten ingame atm and as we've established thats nowhere even close to the ore rates in the rework. The pickaxe would be alot more useful than it was before and if the combined pickaxe had the toggle for this ability built in it would open the perks up for other possibilities too. I just feel that removing its individual use would be an utter shame and wasteful, all cus you dont happen to use it atm yourself

You clearly didnt read the part where i started it off with "this is more of a question". I was genuinely curious as to why the heat levels ended on such a weird number. Same with the next point, i even started out saying "this is just a quick bug report". The mods say they wanted posts with feedback aswell as bug reports whenever they're found so they can be fixed. This isnt me trying to pad out some list, this is me telling EVERYTHING that i found in a single report because i dont intend on making another for every tiny detail i might happen to find later

it doesnt matter how much work it would be to make them all

You're pretty much proving his point here.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexJack - Direct link

Originally posted by Gamez_X

You're by far not the only person to think so. Last time i compared those 2 different sets i had literally like 400 people all saying the same thing. That the older sets where better in design and concept, and that most of them werent even aware there was older designs. Ofcourse these concerns and wave of support where completely ignored though. Wouldnt even consider actually asking the wider community which direction they thought was better

Would be so easy to swap around the locations of where each set is gotten from but that would mean the mods admitting they made a mistake in not asking the community as a whole what they thought and wasted 2 years going in the wrong direction

This is why i said at the bottom its important for you to speak out on things you think have gone wrong too in your own posts here or to the mods or the discord. If theres more than 1 voice saying the same thing, they cant ignore it forever =P

Last night I was up late updating the documentation to make sure it was correct. I posted it on Discord, and Lioness posted a list of 8 or so corrections or clarifications she thought I should make. Of those 8, I agreed with 2, and implemented them. On later thought I then agreed with another one and implemented that too.

My point is that "a player said something" does not mean" it will be done" nor that not doing the thing is "ignoring the player". You continually and consistently confuse "disagree with" with "ignore" because you want to feel like a victim whereas actually you're just someone giving opinions, some of which I agree with and some of which I don't.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexJack - Direct link

Originally posted by rey_lumen

I agree with almost everything you mentioned.

Level unlocks: I think it's a good idea to let players make a full set of armour early without getting through 9 levels of smithing. When you get to level 70, you'll likely outgrow t70 armour before you can even smith a full set of t70, if you spread them out all the way to 80. I propose we spread them out in the 5 levels rather than 10, and the remaining 5 levels till the next tier would hold the ability to reforge the armour into +1, +2, etc.

I haven't gotten around to mining any gem rocks in the beta myself, but I was happy to know they separated the gem tiers by area. It's a good step forward, imo. But they shouldn't be so fast to mine, and probably need more balanced rates too.

However, I don't think they should touch POH at all until they're ready to fix POH as a whole. There's probably more spaghetti involved in that than we can imagine, and POH hasn't gotten a proper update in ages.

The smelting gauntlets name thing is just an oversight, there's many silly things they know about, but just didn't bother changing in the beta, but will be done before live release.

I experimented with what you're suggested for unlocks about 18 months ago, and it doesn't work. Implemented as you suggest, the first 5 levels of a metal are you making armour and then hoarding it in huge quantities in the bank. Then at X5 you unlock the ability to upgrade (and bury) the items and you can get them back out of the bank again, upgrade them, and bury them. Because upgrading accounts for more XP than making the base items, you reach the next metal long before you've finished working through your stock of base items and the rest go to waste. There's no market to sell them, because everyone else is also producing far more base items than they need.

TLDR usually (not always) there's a reason things work in the way they do, and it's not because we didn't think of or try alternatives.