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February Updates


Housing of Parliament

A short owl themed quest focused on interacting with a new character in Um, the Owlkeeper.



  • Level 54 Necromancy
  • Necromancy!


Post Quest content

  • More owls appear around the City of Um - (new owls appear every 5 Necro levels).
    • Spot them all for a new title and an achievement.
  • Moonstone Gem/Jewelry
    • Mid-high level enchanted jewelry all with different effects (combat/skilling).
    • Players receive one upon quest completion and can use it/make more after a short sequence.
    • This content is intended to be expanded upon in the future.



  • The quest and the moonstone jewelry was made during a gamejam.
  • A parliament refers to a housing of owls.
  • The quest introduces the 450th quest point
    • New T5 Magical Dice - May's Quest Caravan
    • Philipe Carnillean - new location (City of Um).


Necromancy Update Bundle

Update Description
Rituals Protection glyphs have been changed to extend the random events. (Other misc. changes).
Thalmund (new Um resident) A new weekly shop of misc. wares which refreshes every Wednesday. Players may talk with him every week to unlock new backstory/lore. Unlock them all for a new achievement.
Miso Prestige skin Unlocked at 1k Rasial killcount.
Mob stat readjustments Fixes some mob balancing affected at necro's release.


Later Date

  • Dyeable T95 Necro gear - Very soonTM
    • Initially planned for this update but got delayed.
  • Ectoplasm - introduce a new ritual which outputs solely ectoplasm (no release date).

March Update

Combat Beta - Build Release

It could get pushed back depending on player feedback since we want to get it right.


General Beta

  • New Beta Build - Thursday
    • This should address higher end balancing concerns and compounding damage issues.
  • Once the beta update reaches the live game, we will still continue to do more combat betas.
    • However they won't be as frequent.


Core Combat

Topic Quick Take Information
Crit Damage Look at it at some form in the top-end. We will test ideas (bringing crit damage/special attacks down) on the beta and resolve it before it reaches the live game. These changes can impact other styles (magic) and we would need to address that as well.
Boss HP Increasing it isn't a solution This would only benefit the top 1% of players who use everything in combat to their full potential. It would punish the average player.
Hitchance cap (25%) Bring it right down See what issues arise and iterate on it.
Stackable bleeds Other priorities first We will look to do this but the system works needs to be done at some point.
Style specific crit balance Yes Right now crits are overturned and there's too much reliance on it. Having it affect each style independently would help us do a lot more, either this beta iteration or another.
2H Necromancy Not a priority It would requires a lot of work for not much gain. If we did it, we would want to do it right so it feels different than current Necromancy.
T70-90 combat triangle balance changes Long term yes This falls into style identity which is something we need to explore some more in the future.
Buff bar rework Yes/No Timers under icons is being looked into, but maybe for a future beta since there are bigger things we want to do to allow more customizability.


Abilities - Global Cooldown (GCD)

Ability Quick Take Information
Anticipate May put it back on global cooldown. There's no game mechanics which requires it to be off yet, however we know players enjoy pressing a button when they have nothing to do. So we may make an ability to accomplish that properly before taking anticipation off GCD.
Freedom No changes this beta iteration. Similar to anticipation, we are unsure if should be off GCD. However, apparently it is supposed to be off GCD when the player is stunned but there's a bug which prevents it.
Resonance No. Better yet, let's delete it.



Ability Quick Take Information
Ruby Bolts Rework the effect/buffed. It behave weirdly with the hitcap/crit so they are getting buffed to better at the start of a fight than the end of a fight.
Cinderbanes To be addressed We want to rework how poison works as a whole and support dedicated poison builds so players don't feel forced to always use 1 type of gear.
Hexhunter (Necro verison) Nothing imminent -
Staff of Sliske " " if it does happen you won't hear about it till it drops.
Bow of the Last Guardian Further tweaks to the buff bar Trial it not having icons flash red, and increase the likeliness buff icons are next each other (not guaranteed this works, we want to make system improvements to help control the buff bar further).
Essence of Finality Adding a cooldown isn't a long-term fix. We are trying to figure out how to best handle EOF adren dumps from being spammed. Similarly we don't want to remove crit buffs since players like the variance, but they are a problem balance wise. We may play with the numbers on Thursday and bring down crit/special attack damage.
Invention Perks Yes, during another gamejam There are concerns with significantly modifying perks players already own. Additionally adding new perks alongside updates requires more dev time.



Topic Information
Boss Content We want to create more mechanically intensive boss encounters and less dps dummy bosses.
Turoths Their damage output will be fixed next week.
Vorkath There is some discussion with adding signposting for the attacks. Additionally, not being vulnerable to the dragonslayer sigil is being looked into. (need to verify if it's intentional)


Areas of Concern

Topic Concern
Crit/Adren, Tsunami It's hard to balance around. We won't remove it, however we want combat to have more good variance but remove the bad variance.
Blood Reaver It's seen as a crutch and we want to address it at some point.
Ghost (Necromancy) It being locked to necro reduces the impact if we want to make the Necromancy style sustain heavy (noob friendly). At some point there could be a tradeoff for having it once we introduce more conjures.
Necromancy It is overturned but there are issues with bringing it straight down whilst improving another style (the situation doesn't get resolved).

Other Topics

Community Hitlist

The following topics/suggestions are noted down to be looked into.

  • Clue caps
  • Ironman access to minigames
    • May have a survey to decide general ironman ruleset.
  • Settings search bar
  • Augmentable Globetrotter outfit.


  • City of Um Hard/Elite area tasks.

    • We want there to be enough so they are challenging, so we'd have to expand on the area first.
    • Make sure it feels proper rather than rushed.
  • Hide other conjures, - Something to investigate.

    • Having them hidden limits what we can do. (What if Magic could enchant them).
  • Samsung S24s - a known issue, further hardware testing to be done.

  • Glowing aura eyes issue - fixed with next engine update.

  • Inverted skillcape - no new news.

No Plans

There is no active dev work or news for the following topics

  • Minigame revival.
  • Barrows conjures
  • Rasial boss fight utilizing other styles.
    • Won't happen unless there was another version of this fight entirely.
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11 months ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by AnastasiousRS

Did I read delete resonance lol

Worth clarifying because I can see it getting people confused. It's a little out of context reading it instead of watching and wasn't fully a serious suggestion nor was it fully jesting.

I genuinely think there are problems with resonance that affect combat and the wider game, but that doesn't mean it's going anywhere. I think the only time it'd be changed realistically is if we got to do a full defence book / shield rework of some form.

11 months ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Thanks Rubic - worth me clarifying, I thought the mob stat rerebalance (turoths and co) was going out today (5th feb) but I was mistaken and it's set for the next update.

As always somethings don't quite come across as I necessarily intend when read, so happy to answer anyones questions if they want stuff clarifying from the stream.

11 months ago - /u/JagexSponge - Direct link

Originally posted by HighElbowGuillotine

What parts of Necro do you feel are overturned and what changes would you propose? It feels very powerful currently; really interested to hear what aspects of the kit you feel have a bit too much oomph

Hey so worth stating purely my opinion (not necessarily the opinions of the rest of the team), but I feel that necro is overtuned mostly in numbers and would only need some slight tweaks to be better in line.

IMO burst is slightly too high for a style that has a large continual damage source and if you want that big burst you should be sacrificing the continual damage in some form.

To be specific I think death skulls and living death would be where i'd look to bring damage down. (potentially reducing Dskull damage slightly, LD's finger multiplier and maybe dskulls cooldown up slightly to stop you triple skulling)
Worth noting I only think these need very slight changes to bring the style fully in line.

There's other minor number tweaks i think would be positive for opening reward space for the style, e.g. conjure damage down slightly so you're reliant on choosing conjure positive gear if you want to play around them etc.

11 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by BloodChasm

Anticipate + reflect before beam. Tank hit 1 and 2 and then reso last hit for full heal.

[taking notes]

11 months ago - /u/JagexDoom - Direct link

Originally posted by JohnExile

Something left out is that Mod Doom said he'd like to get a poll or some kind of feedback on how players would like to see it reintegrated into the game. I assume this was presented as 'no new news' because this has been said before and it's not really a new promise.

Yes, essentially this falls under "I've said this before" but essentially, the general gist of this is that we, as a team, want to agree on a best way to introduce them to the main game to make them rewarding and satisfying to have, and maintain some of the prestige. This, of course, also means that we want to consult players on it, and we've had plenty of suggestions on how they could be introduced. Hoping we can have that conversation soon, as I'm conscious that it's been a year since Fresh Start Worlds so I'm keen to see if we can come to a consensus and think about implementing things soon.