about 6 years ago - /u/JagexPi - Direct link

Update and addendum to this comment (and why I shouldn't look up code and post on discord just before I go to bed...)

If you're running enhanced devoted and devoted together, devoted can only roll while enhanced devoted is active. There is a very small 1 cycle internal cooldown that both devoted and enhanced devoted use to ensure you only get one roll of the perk per cycle. Enhanced devoted rolls first and then applies this cooldown and this stops devoted from rolling after. If enhanced devoted us up however, it does not apply this cooldown and the code falls though to devoted allowing it to trigger.

I'll pseudo code below to better explain:

if (enhanced devoted applied) set improved prayer reduction
else if (devoted not rolled this cycle)
    if (enhanced devoted  roll is true)
        apply enhanced devoted effect
    Set devoted rolled this cycle

if (devoted applied) set improved prayer reduction
else if (devoted not rolled this cycle)
    if (devoted roll is true)
        apply devoted effect
    Set devoted rolled this cycle

As you can see, enhanced and standard devoted are seperate in terms of code flow and their effect but they both use the same 1 cycle internal cooldown to prevent rolls, for the most part enhanced devoted sets this and prevents devoted from rolling. If enhanced devoted is up however then it doesn't set that devoted has rolled and allows the code to fall through and roll standard devoted.

We've known about this for quite a while now and currently have no plans to change anything as it makes a lot of the game much more accessible for those that run it.

We should probably fix the description though ;)

Hope that clears up any confusion and thanks to those that raised it to me.

Commence "LOL, combat council doesn't know combat" comments <3