almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexJack - Direct link

Originally posted by solakfc

This is not my opinion im just showing what a few of the jmods said about polls.

They said on the last Q&A stream that polls don't work well on rs3 and they prefer to just do ninja fixes instead of asking if you want somthing fixed or changed.

They also said they don't do polls because they don't want to target the active player base.

If you want to watch the whole part about polls go to 57 minutes

This is a bit of a misrepresentation. What I said is that OSRS's policy is to poll everything. This makes the player base very powerful, which is good, but it also makes the game extremely static, which is bad. We don't have that policy, which means that the game is much more dynamic, which is good, but the player base have less control, which is bad. It's a tradeoff, and the two games have different tradeoffs.

The point about active players isn't that we don't care about active players, it's that polls only target active players. Again, for OSRS this is part of their policy, so it's part and parcel of the game setup, but on RS3 we want to ask "if you're not playing right now, why is that?"

As a concrete example of the latter point, if you've quit (or rather lapsed) because you don't like the current balance of skilling profit vs PVM profit, then you're not going to be around to vote in a poll which asks whether skilling's profit should be brought up to match PVM's. Statistically across the whole player base, this and similar issues would mean the game skews more and more in one direction over time, as people who are in the minority gradually quit.

What we prefer to do on RS3 is use surveys which are emailed out to representative cross-sections of active and lapsed players so we can more accurately gauge widespread interest in different ideas.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexJack - Direct link

Originally posted by iswedlvera

What a brilliant approach! I would assume that with such a well thought out strategy the population of RS3 must be booming /s.

Maybe, some changes should be in order?

What would you suggest?

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexJack - Direct link

Originally posted by solakfc

Sorry if you feel i was misrepresenting what you said i wasn't trying to. I was just trying to show what was said about polls which was why i made sure to link the entire video so people could make there own decision about it. I agree with you about most of your points about polls, however it would be nice to see in game polls way more often. It gives players a scene of control over what is happening and makes them feel connected to the community and Jmods. I have played RS for 13 years and didn't start using reddit and discord till a year ago, so the only time i ever had any input about RS was from in game surveys and the yearly survey.Maybe with in game surveys you could and a box to each question for players to give a reason to why they voted yes or no for something. Again i am sorry if you think i was misrepresenting that was never my intention. Im glad you replied to me and i hope we can continue a dialog that will help progress RS to become a even better game.

Hey no problem. Thanks for including the videos so people could see.

Can you give me some examples of things you think we should poll, or should have polled?

almost 6 years ago - /u/JagexJack - Direct link

Originally posted by RSBioMage

First off - emailed surveys are a time commitment. Even players who love the game often won't put in 10 minutes with no incentive, let alone player's who've already quit. Either add an incentive (e.g. players who've already quit can get 1 week of membership by filling out your survey) or make it less of a commitment. I would get an in-game polling system similar to what OSRS has, but without the voting thresholds/guaranteed content/etc; just have it for data collection (because player interaction with an event is a useless metric; that tells you how much we wanted the rewards, not how much we enjoyed the content). This is different from the "Power to the Players" interface; 3 data collection questions every month is not a useful system. If you told me I could fill out a 1 minute poll available outside every bank and get 20 runecoins or 1 spin or whatever for it every week, I'd never miss a poll, and I'm betting most other players wouldn't either. Now I know what you're thinking - you don't want only active players to be answering polls, so you can't put them in-game. That leads into my next point.

I think it's a mistake to not be targeting the current player base with your polls. I understand your motive - it's a lot easier to get back a player who quit than it is to convince an entirely new player to take up an MMO in 2018, and RS3 has a huge number of players who quit and would consider returning. But a playerbase's satisfaction is infectious. If all of us are amazed with every update, we'd all be telling our friends who quit about how great RS3 has become (and having a friend tell you a game is great means 100x more than having the game itself tell you how great it is). But if we dislike the state of the game, that spreads too - no one's gonna start playing when their friend who still plays won't stop talking about how much they hate all the broken promises and constant MTX. Start by making your active player base happy, get them to stop quitting in droves, and then your player base can start to grow again.

That was the point I was making though. We're not ignoring active players in favour of lapsed players - that would be crazy. The absence of guaranteed content polls in the way OSRS does them doesn't mean we don't care about the opinions of active players or don't try to make content for active players.