5 days ago - RuneScape - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hey everyone I'm mod Lee and I'm here to
3s tell you about some of this week's patch
4s notes to get things started the shell
7s clue step has moved to the same spot as
9s before near the lighthouse now there
12s shouldn't be any confusion to where you
13s need to go in order to progress through
15s your clue
16s scroll achievements are now
18s appropriately unlocked when using a
20s boost to meet
21s requirements we fixed V watches that
24s were not attacking players in dark
26s meire but dear the Snake Charmer now has
29s a listen to option and we've added
31s resting spot map icons to various
33s musicians around
35s gillor we've fixed an issue with Sak's
37s Final Phase where the manifestations of
39s aior would Target new players that
41s teleported into Sak's mind rather than
44s sticking to their current Target and
46s last but not least the beach is back
50s with the summertime returning the
51s following tokens from the beach are now
53s tradable on the grand exchange The Stick
56s of rock token Phoebe pet token throwing
59s disc token throwing starfish token
62s bucket head token buried in sand rote
65s token Claudia hat token Dragon Ring
68s token and snorkel token also we've
71s increased the chance of obtaining unique
73s rewards from the beach while Skilling
75s and lastly Skilling pets can now be
77s obtained from all Beach Skilling
79s activities so head down to the beach and
82s get your summmer started if you'd like
85s to read about the rest of the patch
86s notes from this week head over to the
87s RuneScape website or click on the link
89s in the description down below which will
91s take you right to the News Post also if
94s you have any suggestions for anything
95s that could be patched or improved please
98s leave a comment on this video and let us
99s know make sure to check in for the next
102s installment of patch notes I'm mod Lee
104s and I hope you all enjoyed